
2024-05-18 14:22

1. 李光鹏的主要学术成就

1.世界上首例克隆骡子--2003 年3匹克隆骡问世,成果发表于 ?科学? 杂志。2.2000年获得世界上首例初级卵母细胞核移植后的哺乳动物个体--兔。3.2001 年获得世界上首例次级卵母细胞纺锤体交换后的哺乳动物个体--小鼠。4.1998年获得世界上第二例胚胎细胞克隆猪。5.数百头克隆牛的创造者。6.异种克隆大熊猫的主要参入者. 1999年度国家十大科技新闻之一。7.共发表论文70多篇, 其中SCI 论文28篇;主编及参编学术著作4部; 参与翻译专著一部。研究方向:动物克隆;核质关系;减数分裂调控; 干细胞研究;转基因动物。发表论著与论文:自1990年至今,共在国内外学术期刊上发表论文70多篇, 其中SCI 论文28篇;主编及参编学术著作4部; 参与翻译专著一部。著作:1.主编:“发育生物学原理与胚胎工程” 黑龙江科学技术出版社 1995;2. 副主编:“受精生物学----受精机制与生殖工程”。(陈大元主编;孙青原,李光鹏 副主编)。科学出版社 2001;3. 参编:“哺乳动物胚胎学” (秦鹏春主编)。科学出版社 2001;4. White KL, Woods GL, Vanderwall DK, Li GP, Bunch TD. Cloning the Equine. In: Epigenetic Risks of Cloning. Edited by Akio Inui, 2006. pp 59-70. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA;5. 参译: “小鼠胚胎操纵实验指南”. (孙青原, 陈大元 主译). 化学工业出版社. 2006。近几年主要研究论文:1.Ying Liu, Guang-Peng Li, Benjamin R. Sessions, Lee F. Rickords, Kenneth L. White and Thomas D. Bunch. Nicotine Induces Multinuclear Formation and Causes Aberrant Embryonic Development in Bovine. Mol Reprod Dev. 2007, in press.2.Liu Y, Li GP, White KL, Rickords LF, Sessions BR, Aston KI, Bunch TD. Nicotine alters bovine oocyte meiosis and affects subsequent embryonic development. Mol Reprod Dev. 2007 Apr 17; [Epub ahead of print], PMID: 17440977 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher].3.Pate BJ, White KL, Winger QA, Rickords LF, Aston KI, Sessons BR, Li GP, Campbell KD, Weimer B, Bunch TD. 2007. Specific integrin subunits in bovine oocytes, including novel sequences for alpha 6 and beta 3 subunits. Mol Reprod Dev. 2007 May;74(5):600-7.4.Liu Y, Li GP, Rickords LF, White KL, Sessions BR, Aston KI, Bunch TD. Effect of nicotine on in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes. Anim Reprod Sci. 2006 Nov 26; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 17178443 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]5.Kenneth I. Aston, Guang-Peng Li, Brady A. Hicks, Benjamin R. Sessions, Barry J. Pate, Douglas S. Hammon, Thomas D. Bunch and Kenneth L. White. 2006. The developmental competence of bovine nuclear transfer embryos derived from cow versus heifer cytoplasts. Animal Reproduction Science. Animal Reprod Science. 95(3-4):234-243.6.Guang-Peng Li, Thomas D. Bunch, Kenneth L. White, Lee Rickords, Ying Liu and Benjamin R. Sessions. 2006. The denuding and centrifugation of maturing bovine oocytes alters oocyte spindle integrity and the ability of cytoplasm to support parthenogenetic and nuclear transfer embryo development. Mole Reprod Dev. 73: 446-451.7.Aston KI, Li GP, Hicks BA, Sessions BR, Pate BJ, Hammon D, Bunch TD and White KL. 2006. Effect of the time interval between fusion and activation on nuclear state and development in vitro and in vivo of bovine somatic nuclear transfer embryos. Reproduction 131:45-51.8.Guang-Peng Li, Ying Liu, Thomas D. Bunch, Kenneth L. White, Kenneth I. Aston. 2005. Asymmetric division of spindle microtubules and microfilaments during bovine meiosis from metaphase I to metaphase III. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 71: 220-226.9.G-P Li, Y Liu, KL White, TD Bunch. 2005. Cytogenetic analysis of diploidy in cloned bovine embryos using an improved air dry caryotyping method. Theriogenology. 2005 Jun;63(9):2434-2444.10.White KL, Woods GL, Vanderwall DK, Li GP, Sessions BR, Bunch TD. 2004. Why clone horses and mules? Lessons learned from the successful births of cloned mules from a horse. IEEE Engineering in medicine and Biology Magazine 23 (2): 32-36.11.Guang-Peng Li, Thomas D. Bunch, Kenneth L. White, Kenneth I. Aston, Lora N. Meerdo, Barry J. Pate, Benjamin R. Sessions. 2004. Development, chromosomal composition and allocation of inner cell mass and trophectoderm of bovine nuclear transfer blastocysts after culture in conditioned media. Mol Reprod Dev 68:189-197.12.Guang-Peng Li, Kenneth L. White and Thomas D. Bunch. 2004. Review of enucleation methods and procedures used in animal cloning: state of the art. Cloning and Stem Cells 6:5-14.13.G-P Li, White KL, Aston KI, Meerdo LN, Bunch TD. 2004. Conditioned medium increases the polyploid cell composition of bovine somatic cell nuclear transferred blastocysts. Reproduction 127: 221-228.14. Dirk K. Vanderwall, Gordon L. Woods, Kenneth I. Aston, Thomas D. Bunch, Guanpeng Li, Lora N. Meerdo and Kenneth L. White. 2004. Cloned horse pregnancies produced using adult cumulus cells. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 16(7) 675–679.15.Guang-Peng Li, G. E. Seidel, Jr. and E. L. Squires. 2004. Improved cleavage of bovine ICSI ova cultured in heparin-containing medium. Theriogenology 61(6): 1077-1084.16.Woods GL, White KL, Vanderwall DK, Li GP, Aston KI, Bunch TD, Meerdo LN, Pate BJ. 2003. A mule cloned from fetal cells by nuclear transfer. Science 301(5636):1063. Epub 2003 May 29.17.G -P Li, G. E. Seidel Jr., and E. L. Squires. 2003. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection of bovine oocytes with stallion spermatozoa. Theriogenology, 59:1143-1155.18.Guangpeng Li, Dayuan Chen, Lian Li, Zhiming Han, GE Seidel Jr. 2002. Rabbit cloning: improved fusion rates using cytochalasin B in the fusion buffer. Mol Reprod Dev 61(2):187-191.19.Guang-Peng Li, Da-Yuan Chen, Li Lian, Qing-Yuan Sun, Min-Kang Wang. Ji-Song Li, Zhi-Ming Han. 2001. Viable rabbits derived from reconstructed oocytes by germinal vesicle transfer after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Mol Reprod Dev 58:180-185.20.Guang-Peng Li, Da-Yuan Chen, Li Lian, Qing-Yuan Sun, Min-Kang Wang. 2001. Mouse-rabbit germinal vesicle transfer reveals that factors regulating oocytes meiotic progression are not species-specific in mammals. J Exp Zool 289:322-329.21.Guangpeng Li, Lian Li, Minkang Wang, Dayuan Chen. 2001. Maturation of the reconstituted oocytes by germinal vesicle transfer in rabbits and mice. Theriogenology 56:855-866.22.Wang MK, Chen DY, Liu JL, Li GP, Sun QY. 2001. In vitro fertilization of mouse oocytes reconstructed by transfer of metaphase II chromosomes results in live births. Zygote 9:9-14.23.Wang MK, Liu JL, Li GP, Lian L, Chen DY. 2001. Sucrose pretreatment for enucleation: An efficient and non-damage method for removing the spindle of the mouse MII oocyte. Mol Reprod Dev 58:432-436.24.Guang-Peng Li, Jing-He Tan, Qing-Yuan Sun, Qing-Gang Meng, Kui-Zhong Yue, Xin-Sen Sun, Zi-Yi Li, Hong-Bin Wang, Li-Bin Xu. 2000. Cloned piglets born after nuclear transplantation of embryonic blastomeres into porcine oocytes matured in vivo. Cloning, 2(1): 45-52.25.Chen DY, Sun QY, Liu JL, Li GP, Lian L, Wang MK, Han ZM, Song XF, Li JS, Sun Q, Chen YC, Zhang YP and Ding B. 1999. The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) somatic nucleus can dedifferentiate in rabbit ooplasm and support early development of the reconstructed egg. Science in China (Series C), 42:346-353.26.Li Guang-Peng, Meng QG, Wei P, Yu YS, Chang ZL, Tan JH. 2001. Effects of cycloheximide (CHX) on in vitro maturation of porcine oocytes. Acta Zoologica Sinica 47(6): 684-690.27.Li GP, Lian L, Lian Y, Chen DY. 2001. Reproduction engineering of domestic cat and nondomestic felid species. Zoological Research 22:413-420.28.Li GP, Lan GC, Liu Y, Yu YS, Sun XS, Ma SF, Tan JH. 2000. Interspecific nuclear transfer between mouse and pig. Zoological Research 21:416-418.29.Li GP. Lan GC, Ma SF, Tan JH. The behavior of the cell membrane of porcine oocytes matured in vitro in the electric field. Acta Anatomica Sinica, 2000, 21:145-148.30.Li GP, Meng QG, Wei P, Tan JH. Technical modifications of in vitro maturation of porcine oocytes. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science, 2000, 12: 32-35.31.Li GP Cai SX, Xu LB, Tan JH. 2000. Studies on the early development of mouse tetraploid embryos produced by electrofusion. Developmental & Reproductive Biology, 7(1): 17-23.


2. 伍国耀的学术成就

近年来,在Am J Physiol, Biochem J, Br J Nutr, Cancer Res, J Anim Sci, J Biol Chem, J Nutr, J Nutr Biochem, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA等优秀期刊上发表论文183篇,影响因子积分达550多分,被他人引用3500多次,主编或参加编写专著30篇,被邀请参加国际学术会议22次。1992-2007, 作为首席科学家或项目负责人主持30多项科研项目,共1200万美元。共培养硕士、博士研究生和博士后35人;获得科技成果奖20项。

3. 许国栋的学术方面成就

1. 参加国家七五科技攻关项目;2. 《稳定塘设计手册》的编写工作,该项科研获得国家环保局颁发的一等奖;3. 曾在人民日报、中国环境报、市场报、中国经济时报等多家报刊发表题为《BOT:为污染治理加速》、《纵论今年市场走势》、《环保治污谁买单》、《分忧中求发展》、《市场化是必由之路》等文章。


4. 杨成的学术成就

承担课题:(1)电针促进损伤脊髓胶质细胞髓鞘再形成的实验研究,山东省自然科学基金资助项目(Q 2001C02),课题负责人。2.6万元(2)脊髓损伤后神经营养因子基因表达谱的时空变化,教育部科学技术研究重点项目(地方 02083),课题负责人。4万元(3)胚胎神经干细胞移植联合中医治疗脊髓损伤的实验研究,山东省中青年科学家奖励基金(2004BS02017),课题负责人。7.5万元(4)直流电场诱导移植神经干细胞桥接横断脊髓的实验研究,山东省医药卫生科技发展计划(05WK2),第2位。1.56万元(5)CTGF siRNA联合电针治疗抑制脊髓损伤胶质瘢痕形成的研究,山东省自然科学基金资助项目(Y 2007C034),课题负责人。8.25万元发表论文:(1)柴勇,刘文波,张丽霞,石增立,杨 成。川芎嗪对缺氧缺血性脑损伤大鼠海马星形胶质细胞的影响,神经解剖学杂志,2009,25(2):211-215。(2)柴勇,杨成,石增立,张丽霞,张敏。胚胎大鼠脊髓神经干细胞的培养及鉴定,神经解剖学杂志,2009,25(3)339-342。(3)张丽霞,刘文波,柴勇,石增立,刘凤,杨成。川芎嗪对实验性缺氧缺血脑损伤大鼠神经细胞凋亡的影响,解剖学杂志,2009,32(3):291-294。(4)张敏,柴勇,杨成。细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤的研究进展。滨州医学院学报,2009,32(3):203-205。(5)张敏,柴勇,杨成。直流电场诱导神经干细胞桥接横断脊髓的实验研究。神经解剖学杂志,2010,26(4):379-383。主编、参编著作、教材:(1)系统解剖学速记手册,上海科学技术文献出版社,2003,8.副主编。(2)人体系统解剖学实物图谱,第二军医大学出版社,2005,5.副主编。(3)系统解剖学实验教程(自编教材),滨州医学院,2006.7,主编。(4)案例版局部解剖学,科学出版社,2007. 2,编委(5)局部解剖学学习指导,科学出版社,2009. 8,编委学术奖励和荣誉称号:(1)2005 年滨州医学院科技进步奖成果类一等奖。(2)2006年山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖自然科学类三等奖。(3)2006年山东省科学技术奖科技进步奖三等奖。(4)2007年滨州医学院科技进步奖成果类一等奖。(5)2008年山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖自然科学类三等奖。

5. 李乐伟的主要学术成就

新加坡国立大学射频与微波中心主任、电气与计算机工程系教授。2003年受聘于哈工大电子科学与技术学科兼职教授和境外兼职博导,开始在我校招收博士生。与合作导师吴群教授共同培养博士生4名。其中已经毕业1名。派遣博士生去新加坡国立大学进行短期研究和联合培养2人次。作为合作人参与我校申请国家自然科学基金2项,以我校名义发表高水平学术论文20余篇。 1.从理论上根本解决了椭球波函数的精确计算问题并自主开发了相应的商用软件包,该技 术解决了一系列的科学应用问题,例如解决球状人头部比吸收率的计算、天线罩设计、球形谐振天线等。2.从理论上提出了各种结构和材料中的电磁场并矢格林函数,被国际电磁理论界誉为“格林函数人”。


6. 刘致平学术成就是哪方面啊?


7. 严耕望的学术成就

严耕望治学方法严谨,在《治史经验谈》中便自言以“勤、恒、毅、勇、谨、和、缓、定”为学术工作要决,又有“看人人所能看得到的书,说人人所未说过的话”的格言。 严耕望的研究建基于庞大的原始文献和细密的考证,如在1956年发表的《唐仆尚书丞郎表》,他反覆考证唐代2680余任尚书省仆尚丞郎,共1116人的详细资料,当中发现唐代重要史籍1200多项错处,成为日后研究唐代历史的重要工具书。据他的学生的忆述,严耕望为不同研究课题以人手抄写的资料卡片累积以十万计。 严耕望穷毕生研究中国历史地理,认为这方面“尤重国计民生之大端”。他计划在有生之年依次撰写《唐代交通图考》、《唐代人文地理》和《国史人文地理》三部巨著。《唐代交通图考》的撰写工作自1946年开始,以考释唐代交通路线和制度为目标,计划累积的资料超过十万件,全书原定十卷,依次出版了《京都关内区》、《河陇碛西区》、《秦岭仇池区》、《山剑滇黔区》、《河东河北区》五卷,凡1792页,超过二百万字,被公认是一部学术巨著。直至他逝世,整个计划仍未完成。 严耕望生性谦逊,在《唐代交通图考》的序文中便自言:“当代前辈学人晚年著述,往往寄寓心曲,有一‘我’字存乎笔端。余撰此书,只为读史治史者提供一砖一瓦之用,‘今之学者为人’,不别寓任何心声意识。 严耕望在学术界有普遍的高度评价。如余英时在悼念文章中就称他为中国史学界的朴实楷模。


8. 如何查询国外教授的学术成就?
