
2024-05-29 11:52

1. bayerscheringpharma价格小盒的才3片都要84元太贵了吧

1、脱毛膏和脱毛露脱毛原理:利于其中的化学物质溶解毛发结构,以达到脱毛的目的。此方法对毛囊没有任何破坏,故持续时间不长,大概三天左右就会再长出来。使用方法:使用时将脱毛膏均匀涂在要脱毛的部位,5-10分钟后,毛发变软,用刮板将其刮净。专门对付细小柔软的体毛,可将大面积的毛发迅速清除。专家提示:适合怕痛但肌肤不容易过敏的人。使用前必须做斑贴试验。先将皮肤清洗干净,以减少刺激。脱毛膏和脱毛露的化学成分是疏乙酸(钙),对皮肤有刺激,频繁使用或敏感皮肤会造成红肿过敏,甚至发生皮疹,敏感体质的人更应慎用。 2、蜜蜡脱毛脱毛原理:物理脱毛。用有粘性的蜜蜡粘住体毛,一并撕除。使用方法:将蜡均匀涂在皮肤上,蜜蜡要紧紧贴往皮肤,以便能将汗毛全部粘住,然后盖好纱布,以拉扯的方式把盖在皮肤上的纱布扯起,把毛发连根拔除。脱毛一般在美容院进行。专家提示:使用时会引致疼痛,而且化学合成的蜜蜡容易对皮肤造成刺激;往下撕时,体毛容易留在毛孔内一部分,断了一半的毛端极容易扎入毛囊,引起毛囊炎。 3、贴布脱毛脱毛原理:同蜜蜡脱毛相似。使用方法:根据所需脱毛部位的大小剪下贴布贴在需要的部位,用力快速撕下。往下撕的动作要快效果才好,否则会非常疼。脱毛一般在美容院进行。专家提示:使用时会引致疼痛,但贴布不像蜜蜡会对皮肤造成刺激;往下撕时,体毛容易留在毛孔内一部分,断了一半的毛端极容易扎入毛囊,引起毛囊炎。 4、剃刀、电动剃刀脱毛脱毛原理:物理脱毛。适应怕痛而且皮肤敏感的人。使用方法:要养成天天刮的习惯,否则长出一层黑色的小胡楂很不雅观。像男士在剃胡须一样,剃之前要在皮肤上涂抹剃膏。专家提示:使用剃刀刮毛,汗毛会越长越粗。如果操作不熟练,容易刮伤毛细孔,损伤幼嫩肌肤,导致红肿。 5、夹子脱毛脱毛原理:物理脱毛。适合毛量少,不怕痛的人。使用方法:夹子把毛发拽出来。专家提示:如果毛细孔清洁度不够,会使肌肤抵抗力下降,出现红肿和感染。要使用一些抗生素,以免感染。 6、光子脱毛脱毛原理:利用毛囊中的黑色素细胞对特定波段的光的吸收,使毛囊产生热,进行选择性地破坏毛囊,同时所发射的热量可以经由毛干截面传导至毛囊深部使毛囊温度快速升高从而达到在避免对周围组织损伤的同时去除毛发的效果。使用方法:可控的合适能量的脉冲光被毛囊组织吸收,精确地破坏毛囊中的两个重要组成部分,即毛凸和毛乳头。应用宽光谱技术,提供一种柔和、非介入性的疗法,其发射的特殊波段强脉冲光可穿透皮肤直达毛囊深部,从而使毛囊温度迅速升高直至凝固、坏死,达到永久性祛除毛发的效果。专家提示:光子脱毛技术已被认证可在数次治疗后对生长期的毛发达到永久性脱除的效果,治疗的具体次数与皮肤和毛发的类型等许多因素相关。光子脱毛术时间短,术后即可进行日常活动和体育锻炼,无须特别护理,具有快速、痛苦小、效果持久,对表皮无损伤等优点,明显优于其他传统脱毛方法,可有效祛除身体任何部位,如面部、腋下、背部、腿部和比基尼线--不同深度、颜色和质地的毛发。 7、电疗脱毛脱毛原理:通电破坏毛囊,让毛发永远长不出来。使用方法:将极细的电线插入毛根,通电后破坏毛囊,每根毛大约要用20秒的时间。除毛之前要打麻药。专家提示:手术后通常会有20%~30%的毛发因为毛囊破坏的不够彻底,而有再次长出的可能。在除毛的过程中,肌肤表面会有轻微烧灼的现象,因此会产生暂时性的小疤痕,所以要保持伤口的干燥,大约一星期之后,小痂皮会自动脱落,如果是瘢痕体质,有可能会留下全身的小斑点。适合非瘢痕体质的人。这项治疗要去医院做。 8、激光脱毛脱毛原理:毛囊中的的麦拉宁色素会吸收激光的能量,通过所产生的热能交换来破坏毛囊,而使毛发停止生长。适合肤色浅,毛发较细且黑的人。使用方法:专业医生操作。专家提示:激光治疗会对皮肤的色素造成伤害,形成斑点;如果使用的激光脉冲次数多一些,或能量高一些,皮肤上还可能会留下疤痕;治疗后会有红热现象,两三天内皮肤可能会变硬,或许还会有治疗的痕迹残留在皮肤上。 9、药物脱毛:除了上述局部针对毛囊或毛发的脱毛方法之外,还有一类方法是通过口服抑制雄性激素的药物达到抑制毛发生长的作用。女性体内都有一定量的雄激素,当雄激素的量过多时毛发就会增加,但是,服用对抗雄激素的药物一定要在医生的指导下进行。


2. 利伐沙班片多少钱一盒

截止2020年6月,利伐沙班片有5片10毫克一盒的138元,有7片20毫克一盒242元 。

4、推荐剂量为口服利伐沙班10 mg,每日1次。如伤口已止血,首次用药时间应在手术后6~10小时之间。


3. 索拉非尼 多吉美 真的可以延续治疗癌症吗?

规   格: 0.2g 
剂   型: 片剂  
批准文号: H20090846  检验此批准文号 
生产厂家: Bayer Schering Pharma AG 

索拉非尼  多吉美  真的可以延续治疗癌症吗?

4. 阿司匹林肠溶片哪个厂家的好 怎么服用效果更好

亦称社会生产。狭义生产仅指创造物质财富的活动和过程。厂家就是创造社会财富的活动地方。那么,下面就由康爱多为大家介绍,阿司匹林肠溶片哪个厂家的好?怎么服用效果更好? 阿司匹林肠溶片用于预防一过性脑缺血发作、心肌梗死(心肌梗死是由冠状动脉粥样硬化引起血栓形成、冠状动脉的分支堵塞,使一部分心肌失去血液供应而坏死的病症。多发生于中年以后。发病时有剧烈而持久的性质类似心绞痛的前胸痛、心悸、气喘、脉搏微弱、血压降低等症状)、心房颤动、人工心脏瓣膜、动静脉瘘或其他手术后的血栓形成.也可用于治疗不稳定型心绞痛。也能用于普通感冒或流行性感冒引起的发热,缓解轻至中度疼痛如头痛、肌肉痛、神经痛、痛经。 阿司匹林肠溶片的产家比较多,所以产地也各有不同,最为普遍的生产厂家有:Bayer Schering Pharma AG公司,桂林南药股份有限公司,临汾宝珠制药有限公司,江苏恩华药业股份有限公司。其实这几件厂家生产的阿司匹林肠溶片都非常好,只是价格和规格有所不同而已。另外,宜在饭后温水服用,不可空腹服用。阿司匹林肠溶片为肠溶片,必须整片服用。但是在治疗心肌梗死时,第一片应捣碎或嚼碎后服用。 以上就是康爱多为大家介绍的关于在阿司匹林肠溶片与厂家的相关信息。购买阿司匹林肠溶片,我们为大家推荐的是康爱多药店,康爱多药店是一家以B2C医药电子商务为主要发展业务的医药零售企业,让您享受全新购买体验。

5. 有没有国家药监局批准文号为js20110032 的进品药品,如有,是什么药


有没有国家药监局批准文号为js20110032 的进品药品,如有,是什么药

6. 固令有什么功效作用?



口服 恶性肿瘤患者:每日2.4g(12粒),可分2次~3次服用,对血清钙水平正常的病人,可减为每日1.6g(8粒),若伴有高钙血症,可增至每日3.2g(16粒),必须空腹服用,最好在进餐前1小时。早期或未发生骨痛的各类型骨质疏松症:每日0.4g(2粒),连用3个月为一个疗程,必要时可重复疗程。严重或已发生骨痛的各类型骨质疏松症,每日1.6g(8粒),分两次服用,或遵医嘱。






企业名称:Bayer Schering Pharma Oy 

7. 进口药品注册证号:H20100525是真药吗?谢谢

注册证号 H20100525 
产品名称(中文) 盐酸莫西沙星片 
产品名称(英文) Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 
商品名(中文) 拜复乐 
商品名(英文) Avelox 
剂型(中文) 片剂 
规格(中文) 0.4g 
包装规格(中文) 3片/盒 
生产厂商(英文) Bayer Schering Pharma AG 
厂商地址(英文) 51368 Leverkusen, Germany 
厂商国家(中文) 德国 
厂商国家(英文) Germany 
发证日期 2010-07-15 
有效期截止日 2015-07-14 
产品类别 化学药品 
药品本位码 86978271001678 
公司名称(英文) Bayer Vital GmbH 
地址(英文) 51368 Leverkusen, Germany 
国家(中文) 德国 
国家(英文) Germany 


8. 德国主要的州及其英文及发音

People in Baden-Württemberg tend not to talk in
superlatives, even though the state continually sets
records. It is no. 1 in Europe for high-tech, German
leader for patent registrations, and famed for its inventors,
first and foremost among them Gottlieb Daimler, Carl Benz
and Robert Bosch. Today, it is not only Bosch, Daimler,
Porsche and Boss, but also mid caps like Fischer (rawl plugs),
Stihl (saws) and Würth (screws) that make it the world
champion in the export rankings. And when they’re not
working, they’re enjoying the fact that the state boasts
more starred cooks than any other. And the local wines are
so good as to be an inside tip.

The “beer state” of Bavaria also produces fine wine in
the Franconia region. The Oktoberfest, Neuschwanstein
Castle and the magnificent Alpine scenery
attract more foreign tourists than does any other federal
state. Yet the slogan “Laptop and Lederhose” demonstrates
that there is more to Bavaria than just a lively tradition. Its
economy, which is stronger than that of Sweden, boasts global
brands such as BMW, Audi, Siemens, MAN and EADS (Airbus).
Munich, the state capital, is home to more publishers
than any other German city. And even outside Munich, Germany’s
largest state is thriving: the annual Wagner Festival
in Bayreuth is sold out every year, as is the Passion Play in
Oberammergau, held once every ten years.

Once a year, during the Berlinale film festival, the
world of the silver screen focuses on Berlin. And the
city’s inhabitants are used to global interest. After all,
the people of Berlin have lived in a capital city since 1458.
However, there is also a shady side to the city’s history: the
rule of the National Socialists and the East German regime,
which built a wall right through the heart of the city. Since
1990, Berlin has once again been the undivided capital city.
The Museum Island, the Berlin Philharmonic and some 150
theaters ensure the city is unique. The “scholarly capital”
boasts 20 institutes of higher education, while also being
home to outstanding firms such as Bayer Schering Pharma
or Philip Morris. And the ITB, the world’s largest tourism fair,
highlights the fact that “Berlin is well worth a visit”.

The densely forested state of Brandenburg surrounds
the capital city of Berlin and benefits from the latter’s
“gin and martini belt”. However, with its numerous
lakes and forests it also has several trump cards of its own.
With the Hohenzollern castles, and in particular Sanssouci
Castle, which is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage
List, the heart of the Kingdom of Prussia possesses jewels
of courtly architecture. Indeed Potsdam is considered one
of Germany’s most beautiful cities, featuring many architectural
highlights. Today the citizens of Brandenburg boast Hollywood
productions in the film-producing town of Babelsberg,
the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt an der
Oder and more than 280 foreign companies, including the
German HQ of Ebay.

The Hanseatic city of Bremen arose through classic
maritime trading, in particular with coffee. In the
smallest of the federal states (divided into the city of
Bremen, and Bremerhaven, some 60 kilometers to the
north) the port accounts for every third job. The largest
employer, however, is Daimler; and the ports turn around
1,900,000 vehicles annually. The state’s cultural life is also
influenced by commerce: The Überseemuseum (Overseas
Museum) and the Schifffahrtsmuseum (Maritime
Museum) attract visitors from all over the country. The
merchants’ wealth led to the birth of a truly beautiful
architectural ensemble: the town hall market square with
its Baroque and Renaissance buildings, a tribute to the city’s
rich history, which began when it was awarded market
rights back in 888.

In the city and state of Hamburg it is the port that is
the power-house of the economy, though with Airbus,
Otto Versand and Beiersdorf also located here,
this is not immediately apparent. With its tanker terminals,
the port is home to all the major oil-refining companies. For
pleasure-seekers, there is the entertainment district of St.
Pauli. Yet Hamburg’s reputation as a media and science center
is of greater importance to its inhabitants. The demand
for culture is correspondingly high, and is satisfied by
renowned institutes such as the Kunsthalle and just under
40 theaters – including the state opera company with world
ballet star John Neumeier. On a national basis Hamburg
leads the way when it comes to musicals, which every month
bring thousands of visitors thronging to the city.

Frankfurt am Main is really the only city in Germany
that has an international feel to it: The tallest buildings,
the largest airport, and the most banks in continental
Europe (including the European Central Bank). And
the list of superlatives does not stop there; for example, there
is the railroad station and the interstate intersection, both of
which boast the highest volume of traffic in Germany. All this,
despite the fact that the city has a mere 662,000 inhabitants
and is not even the capital of Hesse. The elegant city of Wiesbaden
has claim to that title. Otherwise the state of Hesse is
rather unassuming, with a densely forested upland range of
mountains, blessed with Riesling in the Rheingau region, and
industry throughout. Opel in Rüsselsheim and VW near Kassel
are the major industries, whereas ESA in Darmstadt is
responsible for a large share of the European space program.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
It need not be from outer space, even from a plane
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, with more than
2,000 lakes, numerous waterways and lush green inbetween
looks particularly attractive. Together with its 350-
kilometer-long Baltic coastline, this Northeastern state is the
major venue for water sports enthusiasts in the whole of Central
Europe. Small wonder, then, that tourism is the state’s
main source of income. To make certain this remains the case,
around one fifth of the state’s total surface area is a nature
conservation area. Away from the tourist centers on the coast,
shipbuilding and agriculture are otherwise the main sources
of employment in this, the country’s most thinly populated
state. Northern Europe’s two oldest universities and several
innovative R&D facilities make the state one of the most
dynamic regions for high-tech, bio-tech and medi-tech.

Lower Saxony
The state of Lower Saxony has the shipbuilders in
Papenburg to thank for its regular global TV appearances
– every time the Meyer shipyard pilots a new
luxury liner down the narrow River Ems. Yet the major
industry in this state, which stretches from the holiday
islands on the North Sea coast to the Harz Mountains, is the
auto industry, including such names as Volkswagen in
Wolfsburg and Continental in Hanover, likewise the hub of
TUI’s vast operations, one of Europe’s largest tourism corporations.
Furthermore, twice a year the eyes of the world
focus on the state capital: for the Hanover Industrial Trade
Fair and CeBIT, the world’s largest IT trade fair. Indeed,
Hanover has been an international city for a long time now,
after all between 1714 and 1837 the rulers of Hanover were
also the kings of England.

North Rhine-Westphalia
Nowhere in Germany has more inhabitants, and there
is a correspondingly large number of cities: Cologne,
with its Gothic cathedral; Bonn, the Federal Republic’s
first capital city; Düsseldorf, the fashion-conscious state capital;
Aachen, under Charlemagne the capital of Europe; Duisburg,
with Europe’s largest inland port; the business centers
of Krefeld and Bielefeld; not to mention Essen and Dortmund,
the two major cities in the Ruhr region. They bear witness to
the changes in Germany’s largest industrial area: Coal mining
and steel production area now flanked by bio-chemicals and
high-tech. Yet “NRW”, as the state is fondly known, not only
has Europe’s most concentrated research network, but
according to UNESCO is alongside New York and Paris one of
the world’s major cultural regions.

The Rhine valley between Bingen and Koblenz, a gem
that is for the most part located in Rhineland-Palatinate,
is a key item on the UNESCO World Cultural
Heritage List. A center of wine and sparkling wine production,
the state is also referred to as “Wineland-Palatinate”.
Yet from an early date it has been committed to advanced
technology, a prime example being chemicals giant BASF.
The state has always been innovative, be it on a very longterm
basis thanks to Johannes Gutenberg, who invented the
first printing press with moveable type in Mainz, or on a
more temporary basis with the work of Karl Marx from Trier.
Culture and joie-de-vivre are celebrated in all the larger German
cities that have Roman history. The 50-plus festivals
staged each year attest to this.

Saarbrücken’s film festival for German-speaking upand-
coming talent has been the launching pad for
many a career, as Franka Potente and Til Schweiger
have proved. The state has over the last 200 years changed
nationality eight times and the French influence is highly
evident. Mining is now no longer the key industry, with steel
and car-making competing with IT for the number one slot.
The steel industry bequeathed a fascinating attraction: Völklingen
Ironworks, which is included in the UNESCO World
Cultural Heritage List. The state’s most famous name, however,
has to be that of Villeroy & Boch, a global player in the
porcelain market.

Meissen may well be a small town but, thanks to its
porcelain, is as well known as the state capital Dresden
and Leipzig, the trade-fair city. The Free State is one of
the most dynamic economic regions in East Germany, in particular
in IT; precision watch-making and car-making are typical
of this new gearing, symbolized by the restored
Frauenkirche in Dresden’s Baroque center. As in the past, Saxony’s
culture is highly influential in the world of music, represented
by the Semper opera house in Dresden and the
almost 800-year old Thomaner Choir in Leipzig, where Johann
Sebastian Bach was once a cantor. Is he the greatest Saxon
ever? Bach at least has a serious rival – in the person of Richard

In honor of its most famous former inhabitant, Georg
Friedrich Handel, every year Halle stages a major festival.
However, the composer plays second fiddle to
Martin Luther, the reformer from Eisleben who transformed
the Christian world. As such the town of Wittenberg is one
of the most popular tourist spots in a state that boasts a
wealth of castles but is also renowned for its chemicals industry.
Since reunification, the state has been highly successful
in attracting investors. Today, Total maintains a refinery in
Leuna, Dow Chemical has a production facility in Schkopau,
as does Bayer in Bitterfeld. While nature enthusiasts are
drawn to the 1141-meter high Brocken mountain, with its
myth-shrouded peak: on the eve of every May 1st witches
congregate here to dance.

The most feared mythical figure in Schleswig-Holstein
is “Blanker Hans”, who stands for the destructive
forces of the sea. After all, the most northern of the
federal states is bordered by two seas, the North Sea and the
Baltic Sea. Since time immemorial, ship-building and fishing
have been correspondingly important, with two thirds of the
German fishing fleet registered here. Nowadays, however,
the main source of income is tourism and agriculture. The
North Sea island of Sylt is a fashionable holiday destination.
Kiel, the state capital and the Hanseatic city of Lübeck, now
immortal thanks to Thomas Mann, vie for the status of most
important city. Alongside Puttgarden they are the state’s
most important ferry ports for the Scandinavia routes. Parallel
to developments in Eastern Europe the state also benefits
from the Baltic Sea economic region.

The mountains in the Thuringian Forest provide a
backdrop for one of Germany’s most beautiful trails,
the 160-kilometer long Rennsteig. It is just as much a
trademark of the state as its long thin sausages, the historic
Wartburg and the Weimar poets Goethe and Schiller. However,
Thuringia not only has a culinary and literary tradition,
it was always a state of researchers. Zeiss and Schott founded
the modern optics industry in Jena; alongside the carmaker
Opel and turbine manufacturer Rolls-Royce, Jenoptik
is nowadays one of the most important companies there.
Erfurt, the state capital, is proud of the flourishing bio- and
solar technology there, in addition to the excellent educational
opportunities offered by four institutes of higher education.