国际贸易实务,汇票句子翻译 ,英语看不懂

2024-05-12 20:01

1. 国际贸易实务,汇票句子翻译 ,英语看不懂

这是一式两份汇票的第二联,其中At ______ sight 意思是:付款时间;this SECOND BILL of EXCHANGE ( first of the same tenor and date unpaid )意思是: 付二不付一;pay to the order of 是指:受款人,;he sum of是:汇票金额;Drawn under 是:出票条款;To是:付款人。

国际贸易实务,汇票句子翻译 ,英语看不懂

2. 单证中tenor是什么意思

  单证中tenor的意思是期限、合约期。在票据中也指票据的限期。例如英文draft tenor 就是指汇票期限。

3. 几个英语问题

locutionary act 言内行为  field of  discourse领域的话语 tenor of discourse话语基调 mode of discourse话语方式 nasals鼻音 allophones音位变体 phoneme音素 descriptive描写 prescriptive 规定的 at one's command可自由支配 in one's own right凭自身的权利 as soon as后面根据句子的时态决定,不一定都是过去式,也可接一般现在时


4. theend是什么意思啊?

the end of。。。。。。 翻词组翻译为:。。。。。。的结尾 那么这个the end 就是结尾的意思。 单纯只是“结尾”的意思。

5. 信用证条款翻译

+如寄空运的货物, 正本空运提货单上请注明收发货人名称等详细资料,由航空公司或者其代理签发, 列明运费预付及航班号及出发日期。收货人栏写: TO THE ORDER OF HSBC,CHITTAGONG,BANGLADESH , 通知人写开证人公司的详细地址; 并注明本信用证号码。 
+可接受 受益人签发的产地证书。
+接受 受益人在装船前开出检验纺品的质量及数量的证书。
+纺品质量不能少于续长的19MTR, 受益人需要就此结果作出书面证明。 
+请受益人在货物装船后7天内使用DHL 或者联邦快递将整套的非议付空运、海运提单(不是复印机印件的类型)寄出给开证人。需要快递公司的收据连同受益人的寄出证明。
+在货物装运发出7天内分别缮制有日期的装船通知单给开证人和BANGLADESH GENERAL INSURANCE CO.LTD(保险公司),注明实际装船船名、装运航空航班号等详细资料,并注明装箱唛头,结算运费额及信用证的号码和日期。使用任何一间国际快递都可以。请加注明保险单号资料: BGIC/C JR/MC-4 16/05/2008 DATED 28MAY2008。需要快递公司的收据连同受益人的寄出证明。
+货物禁止装载于挂以色列旗的航运公司。 装船后船公司或其代理必须出具此证明。
+虽然本信用证有120天延期支付制约, 但受益人在提供本状列明的所需文件后, 开证行将通过HSBC离岸银行孟加拉小组特别处理立即支付结算。
+若信用证支付期到, 开证行将如数支付给HSBC离岸银行孟加拉小组。
+开证人在实际汇票兑现期限内将按伦敦同业拆借利率支付利息, 并为已提前支付款项作出相应的调整。


6. 求韩礼德halliday的语域理论register theory的分析,解释语场field、语旨tenor、语式mode三方面。

Field of DiscourseEverything we say relates to a particular situation; words are not uttered independently of the context or situation. One of the determinants of the discourse is a social activity, already referred to as “field of discourse”. The actual term “field of discourse” is referred to and explained by Halliday in several ways, out of which one is presented below. 
the social action: that which is ‘going on’, and has recognizable meaning in the social system; typically a complex of acts in some ordered configuration, and in which the text is playing some part, and including “subject-matter” as one special aspect (ibid: 142-3). 
This definition of field given by Halliday implies that there is more to the field of discourse than just the subject matter. Hence, a broader concept should be kept in mind – the one that is equally attentive to the affair being talked over and factors forming the communicative situation. That is to say field of discourse concerns not only “what we are talking about”—the subject matter that the actual chatgroup focuses on , but also concerns “what we are doing”, or “what is going on”, within which that language is playing a part (ibid: 221-2). For example, in a discussion about a game of football, the social action is the discussion and the verbal interaction among the participants is the whole of this social action. “What is going on” is the discussion, and “what we are talking about” is the game itself.
Tenor of Discourse
Tenor, the second of the three situational determinants, carries the information on “who are taking part” (Halliday 1978: 189). In Halliday’s understanding,tenor of discourse results from the speech communication and reflects the relationship, contact and attachment among members (ibid: 33). The social relations between the members are usually reflected in the social status of power and solidarity.

 Mode of Discourse
In linguistic terms, “mode” refers to either a medium of communication (spoken/written) or a rhetorical channel (Halliday 1978: 222) that one decides to use. They form a special relationship in that the former predetermines the latter and the latter is an indicator of the former. Thus mode of discourse answers the question “how” the communication is carried out and makes the third situational determinant of the discourse. Halliday’s semiotic structure of the situation stresses that it is only through mode that field and tenor become operational.

7. Degree and date of conferment是什么意思

Degree and date of conferment



Degree and date of conferment是什么意思

8. domain:doublebear.cn是什么意思 domain是什么

百度,查网页内容中包含某关键词。如:domain:www-023911-com 搜索结果是包含关键字词组(www-yiseoer-com)的所有网页。同理,domain:seo 指的是包含seo的所有网页,与直接搜索SEO相似。如果要查找有多少个网页内容中包含你的 网址,domain 可以派上用场。
Google,domain 并不代表一个指令。只是一个普通的关键字。Yahoo,与 site 一样。查找域名下的所有收录网页。