求大神给翻译一下 急急急急啊

2024-05-18 16:21

1. 求大神给翻译一下 急急急急啊

Millions of children in the United States go to summer camps. Some go to play outdoors at traditional
camps in the woods, in the mountains or on lakes. But families now have many choices of special camps.
These can be in the middle of nature or a big city. Special camps offer young people the chance to learn
about different subjects: anything from space exploration to business to medicine.
In technology camps, one subject that children can learn about is video game design. They learn how
to use computer programs to create games of their own. One program that teaches video game design is
called Cybercamps. Children can learn how to design their own virtual (实际上的) worlds to set their
video game in. Then, they program their own rules and objects into the game.
Cybercamps also offers courses in robot building and Web design. A recent story in the Washington
Post described how one child made a robot that could sing a song. Another made a robot that could follow
a black line drawn on a piece of cardboard. Also, children can learn how to make Web sites. One child
made a site for Pokemon, one of his favourite cartoon shows.

求大神给翻译一下 急急急急啊

2. 跪求各位高人帮我翻译一下


3. 急求高人啊,帮帮忙翻译一下,谢谢谢谢……

1. 他提出了四个决策流程,并且按照决策受他人影响的程度,构成了一个次序排列的连续体。
2. 他指出人类的需求是金字塔形排列的,从地往上依次为生理需求,安全需求,社交需求,自尊需求,最终到自我实现的需要。


4. 很急的求高手帮我翻译一下,谢谢咯

一天早晨,一位老奶奶扛着一大包卷心菜前往菜市场,以期卖给镇上的人们。山路狭窄崎岖,为了避免意外或是丢失了她的卷心菜,老人不得不放慢脚步,小心翼翼。忽然, 她的耳边传来一阵急促的铃声,一辆自行车飞快地靠近了过来,沿着山路,迅速下行。老奶奶不得不很快地跳到山路的另一边,以至于随身背负的那袋卷心菜差一点就落入山谷。她抬头朝前看了一眼,见自行车上坐着的是个小伙子。他急于赶路,甚至都没有环顾四周,看看老奶奶身体是否有恙。于是老奶奶开始大喊:小伙子,回来。你有东西落在路边了。小伙子一听这话,猛地停下车来,差点摔了一跤。接着,他一边调转车头,推着车向山上走来,一边问道:“什么东西?我刚才丢了什么?”老奶奶不紧不慢地回答道:“小伙子,他丢了规矩,失了风度!”

5. 求高手 帮忙翻译一下 谢谢

ASIN印度历的7月份、joyoid(这个不太清楚)、item项目、name名字、Product Group Code产品组代码、description货描(就是产品介绍)、is(不知道为什么会出现这个,但是翻译的话,是“是”的意思)、index指标或者索引、suppressed镇压或抑制的、total总量、glance扫一眼、views观点、on hand在旁边、in transit在转送过程中、sale 7 day7天售出、inbound入站、4week四星期、qty即quantity数量、first arrive date(是date吗?)初始到达日期、last arrive date最晚到达日期、to char炭、mpa(不清楚)、product产品、site地点、launch发行或发送、lifecycle生命周期、replenishment补充或再装满、code密码或代码、vlt (不清楚)、policy政策、our price with tax含税价(即我方所报的价格是含税后的价格)、cost without tax不含税成本或成本不含税、Original Vendor Code原供应商代码、msrp即Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price制造商建议零售价、tax税、amount数量

求高手 帮忙翻译一下 谢谢

6. 求高手帮忙翻译一下,比较急谢谢


1, ambulatory care clinic. Means of outpatient activities, is a part of the hospital. Such as inpatient, outpatient department. The doctor in outpatient department of hospital patients for diagnosis and treatment of fault, or after outpatient or hospitalization.


In 2, the hospital internal to a function section office, is mainly responsible for the clinic within the scope of administrative management, to coordinate the relationship between departments, to ensure the normal operation of outpatient medical service. If the medical department, the nursing department, outpatient department.


Outpatient department of high fever patient, critically ill patients, the elderly over the age of 60 should be arranged in advance of outpatient. The patient should be carefully checked, according to" fill in" record writing standard outpatient medical records, requirements be concise and to the point, accurate and complete, the attending physician should periodically check the clinic medical quality. Clinic inspection, radiation and other examination results, must be done accurately and timely. Outpatient operation should be set according to the requirements, a physician must strengthen to the dressing room, treatment rooms to inspect and guide the operation personally, when necessary. Outpatient department and inpatient department and unit should strengthen ties, according to hospital and patient, there are plans to receive patient hospitalization. Strengthen the examination doing triage work, strict implementation of disinfection and isolation system, preventing cross infection. Pediatrics, internal medicine should be established to infectious diseases, and do a good job of epidemic situation report.


Outpatient department staff to adhere to the first diagnosis responsibility, accomplish caring patients, attitude, patiently answer questions, try to simplify procedures, has the plan arrangement patient treatment. Patient should be kept clean and tidy, improve the waiting environment, strengthen the waiting period of health, family planning and eugenics and other knowledge of the missionary work. Clinic physicians to adopt to ensure efficacy, economical treatment, reasonable inspection, scientific medication, as far as possible to reduce patient burden. On the base or the field of patient referral, careful treatment, in the back to the base or place to propose treatment advice. Transposition of the superior hospital patients, to brief history, illness and treatment process.


Outpatient department of general outpatient patients, should be registered after the. Registration room division registered, in the opening half an hour prior to registration, stopped attending half an hour before it stopped registered. In addition to the office of the out-patient department and medical department, any person the right to limit or stop registration notice. In case of temporary limit or stop registered, shall be in written form and released to the public. Newly diagnosed patient records to fill neat the upper end of the bar, including name, gender, age, nationality, occupation, address, date of visit. While visiting a section above, must be registered, consultation.

7. 求各位帮忙翻译一下 谢谢了


求各位帮忙翻译一下 谢谢了

8. 跪求大神 帮忙翻译一下

