英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part3 Business Terms

2024-05-23 23:20

1. 英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part3 Business Terms

To  merge , to  combine  or come together.
 Those two companies used to be competitors, but now they have merged into one company.
 When the two companies merged, many people were  laid off. 
 (When two companies  merge  there are often man problems, including  layoffs .)
 (They plan to  merge  with a  much  lager company, so they will lose their  identity .)
  merge    v.(使) 合并,结合,并入; 相融; 融入; 渐渐消失在某物中;
  combine    v.(使) 结合,组合,联合,混合; 兼有; 兼备; 使融合(或并存); 同时做(两件或以上的事); 兼做; 兼办;
  laid off    n.(通常指因工作岗位不足的) 解雇,裁员,下岗; 休养; 疗养; 养伤;   [词典]下岗;解雇;
  merge  with  [词典]和……联合; 会师;
  identity   n.身份; 本身; 本体; 特征; 特有的感觉(或信仰); 同一性; 相同; 一致;
 To  acquire , to buy or  take possession .
 Some big companies grow by acquiring other companies.
 One way to protect your business is to acquire your competitors.
 (The best way to acquire a new skill is to find a great teacher or program and practice every day.)
 (We need to acquire new technology as soon as possible because we are  out-o-date )
  acquire    v.(通过努力、能力、行为表现) 获得; 购得; 获得; 得到;
  take possession     网络占有;
  out-o-date   adj.过时的; 缺乏新信息的; 陈腐的; 失效的; 过期的;
 An  agenda , a plan or list of items to be discussed at a meeting.
 The agenda for the meeting is still unclear.
 What are the main points on the agenda for the meeting?
 (He may have a hidden agenda that hides his real plans, so let's be careful what we say at the meeting.)
 (There are too many items on the agenda, so we need to  cut it down  and focus on fewer things.)
  agenda     n.(会议的) 议程表,议事日程;
  cut it down     [词典]削减; 减少使用; 砍倒(树木);
 A  contract , a written document that defines the rules in a relationship.
 A contract isn't usually useful until things  begin  to  go badly  in a relationship.
 According to our contract, their first  payment  is  due  next week.  下周到期
 (Even a good  contract  won't help if a business relationship isn't built on  trust  .)
 (The contract was too much in their favor, so we didn't sign it.)
 (It took a long time to  agree on  a contract because their lawyers kept finding issues that  kept us apart .)
  contract   n.合同; 合约; 契约; (雇用杀人的) 协议;
  go badly    [词典](工作、事情等) 进展不顺利;
  payment    n.付款; 支付; 收款; (将付或应付的) 款额,款项; 报答; 报偿;
  due   adj.由于; 因为; 预定; 预期; 预计; 到期;
  agree on    [词典]对某事(物)有同样看法,商定(同意)某事或商定做某事;
  Assets&liabilities , assets are what you own and liabilities are what you owe.
 Knowing the assets and liabilities of a company helps to determine a company's value.
 The company had more liabilities than assets so we decided not to invest.
 (Their assets were rapidly increasing  in value  each year, so we decided to invest.)
 (What is call when two companies combine into one? )  When two companies combined into one, it's called a  merger .
 (They have to pay a huge tax  penalty , so they have lost value due to the increase in their liabilities.)
  Asset   n.有价值的人(或事物); 有用的人(或事物); 资产; 财产;
  liability   n.(法律上对某事物的) 责任,义务; 惹麻烦的人(或事); 欠债; 负债; 债务;
  merger   n.(机构或企业的) 合并,归并;
  penalty   n.惩罚; 处罚; 刑罚; 害处; 不利; (对犯规者的) 判罚;
  tax penalty   网络税务罚款; 税收罚金; 税惩罚;
 (To buy or take possession?) to acquire
 (A written document that defines the rules and relationship.)  contract
 (What increases if a company  makes a large profit ?) its assets
 (What increases if a company has to borrow a lot of money?) its liabilities 
 (It took a long time to agree on a contract because their lawyers kept finding issues that kept us apart.)
 (What do you need to define the rules of business relationship?)   A contract
 (What is needed to determine the value of a company?)  it's assets and liabilities 
 (He may have a hidden agenda that hides his real plans, so let's be careful what we say at the meeting.)
 (We don't know what's on his agenda, so we need to be careful what we say.)
  make profit   获利

英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part3 Business Terms

2. 英语流利说-Level5·Unit2·Part4-Reading

Well, I'm sorry to hear that you want to leave.
 But I really want you to reconsider.
 You have only been here for a year.
 That isn't very long, and it won't help your resume if you decide to look for a job in the future.
 Once the Iceman's body was extracted from the ice, it was taken in for examination.
 Upon examination, scientists determined that the Iceman lived around 5,300 years ago.
 This was at the end of the Stone Age, nearly 1000 years before the great pyramids were built.
 This made him the oldest mummy ever found.
 There was one girl I had a crush on, but I thought she was interested in somebody else.
 I didn't find out until much later that she was interested in me too.
 It was a lost opportunity, one of many.
 You have great potential and I don't want to lose you.
 If you already had a job offer, I wouldn't stand in your way.
 But since you don't, I really want you to stay.

3. 英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part4 Interactions

Interaction    n.相互影响(作用,制约,配合);交互作用(影响);交相感应;干扰(涉);
 To  interfere , to slow something down or make it worse by  getting in the way. 
 Having too many meetings is  interfering with  our work.
 I told her to leave us alone and not to  interfere in  our problems.
 (She told me not to interfere, so I left the room and let them deal with the problem.)
  interfere ,   v.干涉; 干预; 介入;
   getting in the way.     妨碍;阻碍
  interfere with   干预,阻挠,妨碍,阻止; 强奸; 擅自使用,摆弄;
  interfere in    干涉,干预; 
  interfere with和interfere in的区别:  1、interfere with的意思是:对立,妨碍,打扰。2、interfere in的意思是:干涉,干预,介入。
 To  reflect,  to think about or consider something or to  throw back  a image as from a mirror.
 Before I make a decision, I'd like sometime to reflect.
 When you look into a mirror, your image is reflected back to you.
 (When I reflect on something, I look at it again and again in my mind and try to see all sides of it.)
 (Upon further reflection, I've decided to postpone the project.)
 (After finishing the project, he looked back and  reflected on   what might have been done  to make it better.)
  reflect    v.反映; 映出(影像); 反射(声、光、热等); 显示,表明,表达
  throw back   扔回;反射;阻止
  reflect on     v.考虑; 回想;
 To  influence , to have an effect on something.
 I think she can help us influence the others.
 I don't think we can influence the final result.
 They don't care about what we think so it will be difficult to influence their decision.
 (With his powerful support, maybe we can influence their decision to  postpone  the project.)
 (There’s nothing we can do to influence the result because they don’t care about anything  except  money.)
  postpone    v.延迟; 延期; 展缓;
 To  focus , to  bring  attention  to  something and make it clear.
 If we don't focus on something we won't get anything done.
 We aren't sure what to focus on, so everyone is  confused .
 (He focused on too many details and didn't see the  overall  shape, so the product was a failure.)
 (The problem with that company is that they don't focus  enough  on improving quality.)
 (It's important to focus, but you have to be  careful not to get lost in details.)
  confused    adj.糊涂的; 迷惑的; 不清楚的; 混乱的; 难懂的;
  overall    adj.全面的; 综合的; 总体的;
  failure   n.失败; 失败的人(或事物); 未做,未履行(应做之事);
 To  exaggerate , to describe something is larger or more important than it really is.
 It's difficult to believe what he says because he always exaggerates.
 She says she can sell anything, but of course that was an exaggeration.
 (In my opinion, it's better to exaggerate your skills  a bit  in an interview rather than  be too  modest.)
 (They exaggerate the benefits of their product and ignore the problems in quality, so I can't trust them.)
  a bit       a bit表示稍微、有点儿。作副词,表达“程度”时,修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词短语或比较级,a bit 不能直接+名词。
 (Before making a quick decision, he needs some time to reflect.)
 (I'm afraid this terrible news may influence their decision.)
 (If things are unclear and confusing, we need to focus on something.)
 (To think about or consider something, or to throw back a image as from a mirror. )   to reflect
 (To have an effect on something.)   to influence
 (To bring attention to something and make it clear.)    to focus
 (To slow something down and make worse by getting in the way.) to interfere
 (To describe something is larger or more important than it really is.)  to exaggerate
 (All that noise is interfering with my ability to think.)
 (When you look in to a mirror, your image is reflected back to you.)
 (They don't care what we think so it will be difficult to influence their decision.)
 (She said she could sell anything, but of course that was an exaggeration.)
 (Having too many meetings is interfering with our work.)
 (I don't think we can influence the final result.)
 (It's difficult to believe what he says because he always exaggerate s .)
 (I'm afraid this terrible news may influence their decision to support us.)
 (If things are unclear and  confusing , we need to focus on something and get organized.)
 (She said she was  fluent  in English, but she was exaggerating, so it’s  no surprise  that she makes so many mistakes.)
  confusing     adj.难以理解的; 不清楚的;
  fluent     adj.(尤指外语) 流利,文字流畅; 流利的; 通畅的; 流畅熟练的;
  no surprise     网络不足为奇; 没有惊喜; 意料; 毫不奇怪; 不奇怪;

英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part4 Interactions

4. 十二 :英语流利说Level2-Unit1-Part2(中英文版)

L2-U1-P2-1 Listening:The Jacksons(Hobbies)
 The Jackson's apartment is fairly large. 杰克逊的公寓相当大。
 It has two bedrooms and two bathrooms. 它有两间卧室和两间浴室。
 There is also a large living room. 还有一个大客厅。
 There's a piano in the living room. 客厅里有一架钢琴。
 Their mother, Helen, can play the piano. 他们的母亲海伦会弹钢琴。
 She can play fairly well. 她弹得相当好。
 Their father, Bill, likes to sing. 他们的父亲,比尔,喜欢唱歌。
 But he doesn't sing very well. 但是他唱得不太好。
 Lisa loves music. 莎喜欢音乐。 She plays
 the violin. 丽她拉小提琴。
 She practices every day. 她每天练习。
 With practice, she's getting better.经过练习,她越来越好了。
 L2-U1-P2-2 Listening:The Jacksons (Jobs)
 Lisa's parents both have jobs. 丽莎的父母都有工作。
 They are English teachers. 他们是英语老师。
 Her mother teaches English to children. 她妈妈教孩子们英语。
 Her father teaches English to adults. 她父亲教成人英语。
 They both teach at schools. 他们都在学校教书。
 They don't teach at the same school. 他们不在同一所学校教书。
 Helen teaches at a primary school. 海伦在一所小学教书。
 Her students are between 7 and 9 years old. 她的学生年龄在7到9岁之间。
 Bill teaches in a small university. 比尔在一所小型大学教书。
 His students are at least 18 years old. 他的学生至少有18岁。
 L2-U1-P2-3 Vocabulary : Types of Rooms
 a bedroom卧室 People sleep in a
 bedroom. 人们睡在卧室里。
 a bathroom浴室 People take baths in a
 bathroom. 人们在浴室里洗澡。
 a living room客厅People watch
 television in a living room. 人们在客厅里看电视。
 a kitchen厨房 People cook food in a
 kitchen. 人们在厨房做饭。
 a dining room餐厅 People eat food in
 a dining room. 人们在餐厅吃饭。
 this side这边 The boy is on this side
 of the table. 男孩在桌子的这边。
 the other side另一边
 The girl is on the other side of the table. 那个女孩在桌子的另一边。
 the same side同一边 They are on the
 same side of the street. 他们在街的同一边。
 the opposite side对面 They are on
 opposite sides of the street. 他们在街的对面。
 next to旁边 They are standing next to
 each other. 他们挨着(并排)站着。
 across from对面 They are sitting
 across from each other. 他们坐在对面。
 L2-U1-P2-4 Vocabulary:DailyActions
 buy it购买 She's buying a dress. 她在买裙子。
 sell it出售This shop sells flowers. 这家商店卖花。
 pay someone付钱给某人 Pay the taxi
 driver. 付钱给出租车司机。
 give it给我 Give money to someone. 把钱给某人。
 steal it偷走它 He's stealing her
 phone. 他在偷她的手机。
 L2-U1-P2-5 Dialogue: Classes
 & Interests兴趣
 Lisa: Good morning, Tom. How are you today?
 Tom: Good morning, Lisa. I'm fine. I like this sunnyweather.
 Lisa: Me too. what's your first class today?
 Tom: My first class is math. 我的第一堂课是数学。
 Lisa: Do you like math? 你喜欢数学吗?
 Tom: Yes, I do是的,我喜欢。 What about
 Lisa: No, I don't. I'm not very good at math. 我数学不太好。
 Tom:What are you good at? 你擅长什么?
 Lisa:I'm good at languages. 我擅长语言。
 Tom:Do you read a lot? 你读很多书吗?
 Lisa:Yes, I do. I love to read. 我喜欢阅读。
 Tom:Anything else? 还有别的吗?
 Lisa:Not really.没有,真的。
 What about you? 你呢?What are you
 good at? 你擅长什么?
 Tom:I can play basketball, I really
 like it. 我会打篮球,我真的很喜欢篮球。
 Lisa:You are tall, so that's good,
 right? 你很高,所以这很好,对吧?
 Tom:Yes, I'm tall是的,我很高。 But I'm also fast.但我没那么快。
 Tom: Do you like sports? 你喜欢运动吗?
 Lisa: Not so much. 没那么喜欢。
 Tom: What do you like?
 Lisa: I love music. 我喜欢音乐。 I play
 the violin.我拉小提琴。
 Tom: Are you good at it? 你擅长吗?
 Lisa: No, not yet. 不,还没有。
  But I practice everyday.但是我每天都练习。I'm getting better.我会变得更好。
 Tom: Great.
 Lisa: OK, see you later,Tom. 好的,回头见,汤姆。
 Tom: Bye, Lisa.
 Lisa: Hi, Tom.
 Tom: Hi, Lisa.
 Lisa: Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?
 Tom: No, I don't. 不,我没有。I don't have any brothers or sisters.我没有兄弟姐妹。
 Lisa: Do you have a pet? 你有宠物吗?
 Tom: A pet? 宠物? Do you mean a dog
 or cat?你是说狗或猫?
 Lisa: Yes, we have a dog. 是的,我们有一只狗。
 Tom: we have a cat. 我们有一只猫。
 Lisa: Oh, I like cats, but my mum doesn't. 哦,我喜欢猫,但我妈妈不喜欢。
 Lisa: What's your cat's name? 你的猫叫什么名字?
 Tom: Its name is Mimi. 它的名字叫咪咪。
 Lisa: Oh, it's a girl cat. 哦,这是一只女猫咪。
 Tom: Yes, that's right. 是的,没错。
 Lisa: What does Mimi like to do? 咪咪喜欢做什么?
 Tom: She likes to sleep. 她喜欢睡觉。 She
 sleeps a lot.她睡得很多。
 Lisa: Do you have a picture of it? 你有它的照片吗?
 Tom: Yes, I have a picture on my phone. 是的,我手机里有张照片。
 Lisa: Wow, she is a beautiful cat. 哇,她是一只漂亮的猫。
 Tom: Thanks, I think so too. 谢谢,我也这么认为。
 L2-U1-P2-6 Letter & Number : Months of the Year
 There are seven days in a week. 一星期有七天。
 There are 24 hours in a day. 一天有24个小时。
 If today is Monday, yesterday was Sunday. 如果今天是星期一,昨天就是星期天。
 If today is Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday. 如果今天是星期一,明天就是星期二。
 If today is Thursday, the day before yesterday was Tuesday.
 If today is Thursday, the day after tomorrow is Saturday.
 If today is Friday,the weekend begins tomorrow. 如果今天是星期五,周末从明天开始。
 If today is Saturday, Thursday was 2 days
 ago. 如果今天是星期六,星期四就是两天前。
 If today is Friday, Sunday is the day after tomorrow.
 If today is Friday, next Monday is 3 days from now.
 There are 12 months in a year. 一年有12个月。
 January is the first month of the year. 一月是一年的第一个月。
 February is the second month of the year. 二月是一年中的第二个月。
 March is the third month of the year. 三月是一年中的第三个月。
 April comes after March and before May. 四月在三月之后,五月之前。
 May is the fifth month of the year.
 June is the sixth month of the year. 六月是一年中的第六个月。
 July comes after June. 六月之后是七月。
 August and September are the eighth and ninth of the year.
 October comes after September and before November. 十月在九月之后,十一月之前。
 November is the 11th month. 十一月是第十一个月。
 December is the 12th and last month of the year. 十二月是一年中的第12个也是最后一个月。

5. 十四:英语流利说Level2-Unit1-Part4(中英文版)

L2-U1-P4-1 Listening  :Income & Expenses收入和支出 
 The Jacksons live
 in a nice apartment. 杰克逊一家住在一个很好的公寓里。
 It's in a nice
 building. 在一幢漂亮的大楼里。
 It's also
 expensive. 它也是昂贵的。
 The apartment
 isn't theirs. 公寓不是他们的。
 They don't own it. 他们不拥有它。
 Another person owns
 it. 另一个人拥有它。
 That person is the
 owner of the apartment. 那个人是公寓的主人。
 The Jacksons rent
 it from the owner. 杰克逊家从房主那里租来的。
  That means they 
 pay money to the owner. 也就是说他们要付钱给房主。
 The Jacksons pay
 rent every month. 杰克逊一家每月付房租。
 Their rent is
 about 30% of their income. 他们的房租约占收入的30%。
 Fortunately, they
 both have jobs. 幸运的是,他们都有工作。
 They have two
 incomes. 他们有两份收入。
 Together, their salaries are
 enough to live.加在一起,他们的工资就够生活了。
 But they don't
 have enough money for a car. 但是他们没有足够的钱买车。
 The Jacksons have
 many expenses. 杰克逊一家有很多开支。
 Their largest
 expense is the rent. 他们最大的开销是房租。
 It's about 30% of
 their income. 这大约是他们收入的30%。
 The second largest
 expense is for their children's education. 第二大支出是孩子的教育费用。
 Their schools are
 not free. 他们的学校不是免费的。
 They pay for their
 kids to go to school. 他们为孩子支付学费。
 Their other
 expenses include food and clothes. 他们的其他开支包括食物和衣服。
 They also save
 some money every month. 他们每个月也存一些钱。
 They save about
 10% of their income. 他们把收入的10%存起来。
 They put this
 money in the bank. 他们把钱存进银行。
  L2-U1-P4-2 Vocabulary : Transportation  运输 
 a bus stop公共汽车站
 People get on a
 bus at a bus stop. 人们在公共汽车站上公共汽车。
 a train station火车站
 People get on a
 train at a train station. 人们在火车站上火车。
 a taxi stand出租车站
 People wait for a
 taxi at a taxi stand. 人们在出租车站等出租汽车。
 a subway entrance地铁入口
 A subway stop has
 several entrances. 地铁站有几个入口。
 an airport机场 Airplanes take off and land at an airport. 飞机在机场起降。
  L2-U1-P4-3 Vocabulary  :Body Parts人体部位 
 eyes眼睛 We use our eyes to see things. 我们用眼睛看东西。
 Our ears are on
 the left and right side of our head. 我们的耳朵长在头部的左右两侧。
 a nose鼻子
 Our nose is below
 our eyes and above our mouth. 我们的鼻子在眼睛下面,嘴巴上面。
 a mouth嘴巴 Our mouth is below our nose. 我们的嘴在鼻子下面。
 hands手 We use our hands to pick up things. 我们用手拿东西。
 a brain大脑 Our brain is inside our head. 我们的大脑就在我们的脑袋里。
  L2-U1-P4-4 Vocabulary  :Time of Day一天中的时间 
 It's morning. 现在是早上。
 People get up in
 the morning and the day begins. 人们早上起床,一天就开始了。
 It's afternoon.
 People eat lunch in the afternoon. 人们在下午吃午饭。
 It's evening.
 People eat dinner in the evening. 人们在晚上吃晚饭。
 It's night. At
 night people go to bed. 晚上人们睡觉。
 It's daytime. 现在是白天。
 It's light during
 the day because the sun is up. 白天很亮,因为太阳出来了。
 It's nighttime. 现在是晚上。
 It's dark at night
 because the sun is down. 晚上很黑,因为太阳下山了。
  L2-U1-P4-5 Dialogue  :Buying a Dress买裙子 
 A: Good afternoon下午好 may I help you? 我能为您效劳吗?
 B: Yes, I'm
 looking for a summer dress. 是的,我想买一件夏装。
 A: Do you want a
 long dress or a short dress? 你想要长裙还是短裙?
 B: I want
 something short but not too short. 我想要短的,但不要太短。
 A: What about
 color? 那颜色呢?
 Do you have afavorite color?  你有最喜欢的颜色吗?
 B: I like blue. 我喜欢蓝色。 Do you have a blue dress? 你有蓝色的裙子吗?
 A: Yes, we have
 several blue dresses. 有,我们有几条蓝色的裙子。
 B: May I see them? 我可以看看吗?
 A: Sure, please
 come with me. 当然可以,请跟我来。
 A: Here are two
 short blue dresses. 这里有两条蓝色的短裙。
 B: I like this
 one. 我喜欢这个。 How much is it?多少钱?
 A: It's usually
 100 dollars, but it's on sale today. 通常是100美元,但今天打折。
 B: So how much is
 it today? 今天多少钱?
 A: I can give you
 a 20% discount. 我可以给你打八折。
 B: So that's 80
 dollars, right? 那就是80美元,对吧?
 A: Yes, do you want to try it
 on? 是的,你想试穿一下吗?
 B: Yes, where can
 I put it on? 是的,我在哪里可以穿?
 A: There is a
 dressing room over there. 那边有个更衣室。
 A: How does it
 fit? 合身吗?
 B: It fits well. 很合身。
 A: You look
 beautiful. 你看起来很漂亮。
 B: Thanks, but
 it's still too expensive. 谢谢,但还是太贵了。
 Can you give me a
 lower price? 你能给我一个更低的价格吗?
 A: Sorry, I'm
 afraid not. 对不起,恐怕不行。
 That is the lowest
 price I can give you.这是我能给你的最低价格。
 B: How about the
 other dress? 另一件呢?
 A: it's a little
 more expensive它稍微贵一点 it's 120 dollars120美元。
 B: Is it on sale? 打折吗?
 A: No, I'm afraid
 not. 不,恐怕不行。
 B: Well, I really
 like this dress. 嗯,我真的很喜欢这条裙子。
 A: OK, 80 dollars
 is a good price for it. 好的,80美元对它来说是不错的价格。
 B: OK, I'll buy
 it. 好的,我买了。
 A: Can you pay
 with cash? 你能用现金支付吗?
 B: No, I want to
 use my credit card. 不,我想用信用卡。
 A: Sure, no
 problem当然,没问题.we take all credit cards.我们接受所有的信用卡。
 B: Great. 非常好。


6. 英语流利说 Level4 Unit2 Part1-Great Discoveries

The controlleduseof fireallowedpeople to cook food andsurvivein the colder climates.控制火的使用使人们能够烹饪食物并在寒冷的气候中生存。
 Fire provided light so that people could work and socialize for longer hours.火提供了光,所以人们可以工作和社交更长时间。
 With the invention of agriculture, people could grow food and settle into communities.随着农业的发明,人们可以种植食物并定居在社区。
 By growing food, people could spend less time hunting, and more time for other things such as art.通过种植食物,人们可以花更少的时间打猎,更多的时间用于其他事情,如艺术。
 The domestication of animals allowed people to raise and use animals for food and work.动物的驯化使人们能够饲养和使用动物作为食物和工作。
 By raising herds of animals such as sheep, humans had a regular supply of meat and clothing.通过饲养羊群等动物,人类有了固定的肉类和衣物供应。
 The strength of animals such as horses and oxen was used for work and transportation.马和牛等动物的力量被用来工作和运输。
 The development of tools and machines has resulted in moreefficient manufacturing and construction.工具和机器的发展提高了生产和建设的效率。
 With better tools and machines, work can be done with fewer people and at much lower costs.有了更好的工具和机器,可以用更少的人力和更低的成本完成工作。
 The development of science engineering has improved many things, including communications.科学工程的发展改善了许多事情,包括通讯。
 With an understanding of electricity, telephones and radios allow people to communicate over long distances.由于对电的了解,电话和收音机使人们能够远距离通信。
 Science and engineeringhave changedthewaywe communicate witheachother.科学和工程改变了我们彼此交流的方式。
 With the development of agriculture, people had more time for other activities.随着农业的发展,人们有更多的时间从事其他活动。
 The use of machines has reduced the number of people needed to make things.机器的使用减少了制造东西所需的人数。
 The ability toraiseherds of animalsgavehuman a regularsupplyof meat and clothing.人类有能力饲养成群的动物,因此有了固定的肉和衣服供应。

7. 英语流利说 level3 unit3 part2-Disasters

Disasters 灾难 
 Here are some types of terrible events that hurt or kill people. 以下是一些伤害或杀死人的可怕事件。
 Earthquakes are caused by forces deep within the Earth.地震是由地球深处的力量引起的。
 During earthquakes, many people are often killed by collapsing buildings and bridges.在地震中,许多人经常死于倒塌的建筑物和桥梁。
 Floods happen when rivers rise and overflow their banks.当河水上涨并溢出堤岸时,就会发生洪水。
 Floodwaters damage or destroy many houses and businesses.洪水毁坏或摧毁了许多房屋和企业。
 Fires destroy buildings, land and forests.火灾毁坏了建筑物、土地和森林。
 There are many causes for fire, including lightning.引起火灾的原因有很多,包括闪电。
 In a hurricane, high winds destroy buildings, and sometimes cause flooding.在飓风中,大风会摧毁建筑物,有时还会引发洪水。
 Some hurricanes have winds of more than 200 miles an hour.有些飓风的风速超过每小时200英里。
 Car accidents happen when cars collide, or when drivers lose control of their cars.车祸发生在汽车相撞的时候,或者司机失去对汽车的控制的时候。
 One of the main causes of car accidents is driving too fast.交通事故的主要原因之一是开车太快。

英语流利说 level3 unit3 part2-Disasters

8. 英语流利说 Level5 Unit3 Part3 -Living Conditions 1&2

Living conditions around the world vary from country to country.
  Some countries have very large economies, but the majority of their citizens are poor. 
 Other countries have smaller economies, but the majority of their citizens are NOT poor.
 So the size of a country's economy isn't the only factor that determines how wealthy its citizens are.
 The size of its population is also an important factor.
 Another factor is how a country's wealth is distributed between the rich and the poor.
  Besides the size of its economy, what is another factor that determines living conditions?   - the distribution of wealth 
 A country's living   conditions   depend not only on the   size   of its economy. The size of its   population   is also an important   factor  . Another factor is   how   a country's   wealth   is   distributed   between the rich and the poor.
 Let's look at some examples.
 This chart shows the world's 10 largest economies in 2015.
 It ranks the countries by their Gross Domestic Product, or GDP.
 The GDP is one way of measuring the size of an economy.
 It is the total value of the goods and services produced in a country in a year.
 As you can see, according to this chart, the US and China had the largest economies.
  According to the chart, which country had the fifthe largest economies?  -Germany. 
  What does this chart use to compare the sizes of their economies?  - Gross Domestic Product 
  In 2015, Germany had the fifth largest economy. 
 According to the chart, India had the seventh largest economy in the world.
 Its economy was bigger than Italy's.
 However, the average living conditions in Italy are much higher than in India.
 One reason for this is the difference in population.
 India  has  a much larger population, so its wealth  is distributed among  a  much  larger number of people.
 You can find this information by checking a country's GDP per capita.
 Per capita means per person.
 If two countries have the same GDP, but one country has half the number of people, its GDP per capita is twice as large.
  What is one reason why the living conditions in Japan are much higher than in India?   - Its population is much smaller. 
 Another important factor is how the wealth of a country is shared.
 In some countries much of the wealth is concentrated in just a few people.
 For example, in the US, just 5% of the population holds more than 70% of the wealth.
 This shows that many US citizens are not wealthy  despite  the size of their economy.
 In fact, the wealth share held by the wealthiest 10% more than 10 times bigger than the rest of the population.
  About what percent of the US population holds more than 70% of the wealth?  - About 5% 
  Why are there so many poor people in the US despite the size of their economy?   -Much of the wealth is held by a small segment of the population. 
 As we have seen, much of the wealth of the US is concentrated in just a few people.
 10% of its population had an estimated 75% of the wealth in 2015.
 In this chart we see some comparisons with other countries.
 In contrast to the US, 10% of Japan's population had less than half of the total wealth.
 In China, in 2014, the estimated share of the top 10% was 64%, but this number is rising.
 Russia had the highest  concentration  of wealth, at over 80%!
 India, which has one of the largest economies, has the largest share of the world's poorest people.
 The share of wealth of its richest 10% is 370 times that of its poorest 10%.
  Which of these countries has the largest share of the world's poorest people?   - India 
 A major challenge for a government is to improve the living conditions of its citizens.
 As we have seen, growing an economy isn't enough.
 Population growth and distribution of wealth are also important factors.
 Improving education and developing job skills can help people  move up  in an economy.
 With better education and training, the poor can increase their ability to get better jobs and raise their income.
  What does better education allow?   - It increases a person's ability to get a better job. 
  How can education change how wealth is distributed?  -  It can help the poor to get better jobs and increase their share of the wealth. 
 However, taxes are needed to pay for social services, including health and education.
  Some countries tax the rich at a higher rate than the poor. 
  However, if taxes are too high, it can discourage investment and risk taking. 
 This is because investors won't take risks  unless  the rewards are high.
 So, as you can see, these are complex issues.
  How can high taxes discourage investment?   -They can reduce the rewards for taking a risk. 