
2024-05-18 07:29

1. 广告公司简介怎么写



2. 广告公司的简介范文

         广告公司的简介范文一         广东省广告集团股份有限公司,成立于1979年,是中国最早一批成立的广告公司,也是目前中国最大、实力最强的营销传播集团,被业内誉为“中国广告业的扛旗者”。2010年,在深交所中小板挂牌上市(股票简称:省广股份,股票代码:002400),成为“中国广告第一股”。
         广告公司的简介范文二         湖南三圆惟度品牌整合有限公司创始于2005年,专注于品牌设计、策划、推广、执行一站式服务。三圆不是简单的广告公司,更不是单纯的创意制作公司,三圆是一家具有高度商业智慧和实战经验的品牌整合公司。三圆坚持系统服务和真正解决问题的服务原则,提供从思想观念、品牌定位、品牌设计、品牌推广、品牌执行的全价值链服务。
         广告公司的简介范文三         公司定位:国际化战略品牌管理公司
         广州火之鸟广告有限公司是一家集品牌策划、创意设计、执行为一体的综合性广告公司,作为中国4A广告协会成员、中国广告创意50强、澳门创意产业协会常务理事单位、广东省商业美术设计协会副会长单位、2010年第16届广州亚运会形象设计公司,火之鸟根植于本土化优势和国际化的视野,作品多次获得国内外大奖,在同业界中享有盛名 。
         火之鸟为多家世界知名品牌提供综合性广告及设计代理服务,涵盖品牌管理、创意制作、媒体经营发布等领域,公司下设创意部、设计部、网络营销部、客户服务部、媒介部、市场调研部、财务部及行政部,并会根据需要为大的客户设立品牌专项小组 ( Brand Team )。

3. 广告公司简介及详细资料

 产生及发展  随着报纸传播业的发展,在欧美出现了早期的广告公司形式。
  在美国,沃尔尼·B·帕默(Volney B Pdmer)最早是为各家报纸招揽广告,并于1841年在费城开办了一家广告公司。在许多著述中,视帕默的代理报纸广告的公司为世界上第一家广告公司。在 1845年和1847年,帕默又先后在波士顿和纽约开办了公司。他不仅是报纸和广告界的中介人,而且常为客户撰写文案,并向报纸抽取25%的佣金(后逐渐减至 l 5%)。乔治·P·罗威尔(Gee.P.RoWell)在自己的广告代理活动中,从报纸、杂志社大量购进版面,随后以略高的价格转卖给广告主,他的广告活动在当时很受出版商的欢迎。1888年罗威尔创办了美国第一家广告专业杂志《印刷者油墨》(printers lnk)。
  近似现代意义的广告代理公司,应该首推1869年在美国费城出现的艾耶父子广告(N.W.Ayer&Son)。当时年仅20岁的青年人F·魏 兰德·艾耶(F.wayland Ayer)向他父亲借了250 美元,开办广告公司,由于害怕别人认为他年轻不可信,便打出了他父亲的名义,即艾耶父子广告公司。起初,艾耶也是做中介生意,企1890年左右,他设计了 一份公开的广告费率,告诉客户自己购买版面的底线和包括自己佣金在内的转变价。他为客户提供设计、撰写文案、建议和安排适当媒介等多种服务。因此,艾耶广告公司被广告历史学家称为"现代广告公司的先驱"。
  早在1849年,英国的美瑟暨克劳瑟广告公司(Mather&Gowther,奥美广告公司的前身),已有员工100人,并提供类似十美国艾耶父子公司的广告服务。1880年,日本第一家广告代理店"空气堂组"在东京开业,随后"弘报堂"、"广告社"、"三成社"、"正喜路社"纷纷出现。1895 年10月,"博报堂"正式开业,1901年7月,"日本广告株式会社"成立。在美国,此时期出现了一系列专业广告公司,如洛德暨托马斯广告公司(Lord & Thomas)、J·w·汤逊广告公司(J·Walter Thompson)、扬·罗必凯广告公司(Young& Rubicam)、BBDO广告公司、李奥·贝纳广告公司、麦肯广告公司、本顿暨鲍尔斯广告公司、奥美广告公司、DDB广告公司(Doyle Dane Bernbach)、达彼思广告公司(Ted Bates)等。
  当今世界有三大城市被称为世界广告中心,即:纽约、东京和伦敦,每年拥有几百亿美元的广告出自这三大城市。纽约是广告业的摇篮和首府,拥有许多广告公司。长驻多家世界级著名广告公司的"麦迪逊大道"早已成为世界广告业最高水准的代名词。世界广告行业组织--国际广告协会总部就设在纽约。伦敦, 1991年广告公司共创作12l亿美元的广告,位世界第三位。
  本世纪70年代以来,伦敦出现了一批新型的广告公司,J·w·汤逊广告公司伦敦公司、劳尔· 霍华德斯宾克公司等都驻于伦敦。伦敦已开始享有"广告艺术中心"的美称。但是,在广告本质上,有人认为"在美国的广告业是商业 ,而英国的广告业则是娱乐业"。东京,己成为世界的广告中心之一 。世界上最大的广告公司之一--电通广告公司就在东京。
  类型  全面服务型
  1. 行政、财务部  创作部 (Creative Department)
  创作部的主要工作是负责构思广告及执行广告创作。重心人物是行政创作总监(Executive Creative Director, ECD)。一般来说,这个职位每间广告公司只有一人。不过,却开始出现Co-Executive Creative Director,即由两人分工处理不同的客户或联合处理相同的客户。行政创作总监的工作,主要是负责创作部的行政工作,订立创作路线,控制作品水准等等。
  行政创作总监之下,会视乎人手而分为若干组,每组由一位或两位创作总监(Creative Director, CD)或副创作总监(Associate Creative Director, ACD)负责带领,其中一位是文案出身的,另一位则是美术出身的。但亦有不少创作总监是身兼两职的。创作总监的工作除了构思广告外,也负责指导及培训下属的工作。
  创作总监下会有不同的小组,每小组由一位文案(Copywriter, CW)及一位美术指导(Art Director, AD)组成。基本上,两人是会共同构思广告的,但文字修饰方面由文案主理,美术润饰方面则由美术指导主理。由于美术指导的执行工作一般都较繁复,所以大都有一位助理美术指导(Assistant Art Director, AAD)协助执行方面的工作。有经验的文案及美术指导将会晋升为高级文案(Copywriter, SCW)及高级美术指导(Art Director, SAD)。不过,工作性质与以前只是大同小异。
  创作部还包括了电视制作 (TV Production),平面制作 (Print Production),画房(Studio)及平面统筹(Traffic)四个小部门。电视制作部设有监制(Producer),主要负责电视广告的统筹,实际广告拍摄的工作则由广告制作公司(Production House)负责,香港的广告公司均不会自行拍摄电视广告的。平面制作部设有平面制作经理(Print Production Manager),主要负责跟进平面广告的印制工作。画房设有绘图员(Visualizer)、电脑绘图员(Computer Visualizer)、正稿员(Artist)等职位,负责不同的平面广告制作。平面制作统筹(Traffic Coordinator)则是负责统筹平面制作事宜的。
  2. 行政、财务部  客户服务部 (Aount Servicing Department)
  客户部的主要工作是与客户联络及制定创作指引。重心人物是客户主管(Director of Client Service, DCS),以下是按不同客户划分为不同的客户总监(Aount Director, AD),副客户总监(Associate Aount Director, AAD),客户经理(Aount Manager)及客户助理(Aount Executive. AE)。
  3. 行政、财务部  媒介部 (Media Department)
  媒介部的主要工作是为客户建议合适的广告媒体(例如:电视、报章、杂志、海报、直销等等),并为客户与媒体争取最合理的收费。重心人物是媒介主管(Media Director),下设媒介主任(Media Supervisor)及媒介策划(Media Planner)等不同职位。
  4. 行政、财务部 
  有限型服务广告公司又常常被称作部分服务型广告公司或广告服务零售公司(A1a cart)。中、小型广告公司大都属于此类广告公司。这主要是由于广告公司不具有全方位地开展代理工作能力所决定。这类广告公司一般只承担单项的广告工 作,或者某些具有特殊性要求的广告,如巨型广告、路牌广告、霓虹灯广告、灯箱广告、汽球广告、飞艇广告、空中烟雾广告等t等。
  功能  1.代理广告客户策划广告
  广告公司在策划和制作出广告作品之后,通过广告媒介的合理选择和套用,把广告信息及时地、迅速地传递给广大社会公众。发布广告时,广告公司要为客户利 益着想,注意选择最具表现和传播效果、又能最低投入的媒介,将广告信息传递到最多的潜在购买者,从而引导社会公众对于广告客户信息的认可、接受,以产生购 买行为。
  经营原则  依法经营  依法经营是广告公司生存的前提,或者说是广告公司的生命,这是任何一个广告公司在从事广告经营活动时所必须坚持的第一位的原则。
  人才经营  广告公司经营活动的开展是以高素质、高能力的广告专业人才力保证的。广告公司是属于知识型、智慧型型、技术型的企业法人组织。广告公司的工作不属于简单操作或重复操作性工作,而是具有独立性、创新性、技能性的独特工作,它完全是依靠广告公司中人员的智慧型与创造来维持其存在和不断发展的。"广告公司的财富随员工下班而消失"正是道出了广告公司与其他公司的显著性差异。
  优势经营  优势经营是指广告公司根据自己的具体情况而确立自己的发展战略,形成自己经营特色。优势经营的本质就是广告公司的经营定位。
  非业务冲突  广告公司只能为某一类产品的一个客户服务,以防止形成"业务冲突"的出现。一般情况下,广告公司应该十分珍惜与代理客户之间所形成的信任关系,不应该再接受与该企业有着直接竞争关系的广告业务。这已经成为美国、英国等国家广告界行业惯例。
  经营内容  美国广告公司  美国广告经营业协会对本国广告公司制定了"经营准则",即规定了广告公司必须具备的能力和必须开展的经营活动。其具体包括以下几个方面内容:
  中国广告公司  向广告主介绍广告的功能以及各类广告的作用。
  经营制度  规模经营  早在50年代,美国广告公司就有一项调查表明,公司规模扩大意味着利润的增加。现代广告界自本世纪80年代以后出现了广告公司大兼并的趋势,从而使广告集团的规模越来越大。领导兼并大潮的是英国萨奇兄弟公司(Saatchi & Saatchi)。1984年,世界上最大的5家广告公司的营业额占全球广告营业额的10%,达151.2亿美元。而到了1989年,世界五大广告集团占 全球广告营业额的20%,达到603.532亿美元,而且大的广告集团在世界广告业中所占份额仍呈上升趋势。
  人员流动制度  在国外,广告公司的人员雇用与公司营业额保持一定比例关系。人员雇用数量的多少是与公司规模大小和公司代理的广告业务紧密相关的。
  收费制度  固定佣金制  佣金制起源于19世纪20年代的美国。始于艾耶父子广告公司。到20世纪50-60年代,美国、加拿大、日本、西欧等国家开始接受15%的佣金,使1.5%的佣金成为国际惯例。
  我国国家工商行政管理局在1993年7月颁布的《关于进行广告代理制试点工作的若干规定(试行)》中,对于我国广告代理制中的代理费的收费标准明确规定为广告费的l 5%。
  实费制  实费制是广告公司根据广告主提出的要求,开展业务,确定整个广告活动中使用各类广告人员从事工作的时间和精力,广告公司把这些换算成以工时为单位的工作量,并且拟定每个员工的工时单价,从而以实际工时与单价计算出应收取费用的制度。
  全蛋制  全蛋制又称为全蛋式经营,是指广告公司在向广告主收取业务代理费用时,以广告主利润获取为基数,根据双方协定,给广告公司分得利润的方式。这种收费方式是指广告费与广告效益挂钩,广告公司参与广告主的经营全过程,实行利润均沾,风险共担。


4. 广告公司的介绍

广告公司是指专门经营广告业务活动的企业,是“广告代理商”(Advertising Agency)的俗称。

5. 公司简介模板英文

         JPMorgan Chase is one of the oldest financial institutions in the United States. With a history dating back over 200 years, here's where we stand today:
         We are a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2.4 trillion.
         We operate in more than 100 countries.
         We have over 235,000 employees.
         We serve millions of consumers, small businesses and many of the world's most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients.
         We are a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing and asset management.
         Our stock is a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
         At BASF, we create chemistry – and have been doing so for 150 years. Our portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas. As the world's leading chemical company, we combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Through science and innovation, we enable our customers in nearly every industry to meet the current and future needs of society. Our products and solutions contribute to conserving resources, ensuring nutrition and improving quality of life. We have summed up this contribution in our corporate purpose: We create chemistry for a sustainable future.
         Since the first Walmart store opened in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas, we've been dedicated to making a difference in the lives of our customers.
         Our business is the result of Sam Walton's visionary leadership, along with generations of associates focused on helping customers and communities save money and live better.
         This rich heritage defines who we are and what we do today.
         From our humble beginnings as a small discount retailer in Rogers, Ark., Walmart has opened thousands of stores in the U.S.
         and expanded internationally.
         Through innovation, we're creating a seamless experience to let customers shop anytime and anywhere online, through mobile devices and in stores.
         We are creating opportunities and bringing value to customers and communities around the globe.
         Walmart operates over 11,500 retail units under 63 banners in 28 countries and e-commerce websites in 11 countries.
         We employ 2.3 million associates around the world — 1.5 million in the U.S.alone.
         Around the world, we help families save money so they can live better.
         We use our size and scale to provide access to high-quality goods and fresh, nutritious food at everyday low prices—while creating opportunities for our associates and small and medium-sized global suppliers.


6. 公司简介英文版模板

         公司简介英文版模板(一)         China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Ltd (hereinafter referred to as HBP) is a stockholding-system new and high-tech enterprise approved by Beijing City Government and listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange successfully. The company is mainly engaged in the development, production and marketing of oil, gas and water separator, heater, electric dehydrator, natural gas filter separator, cyclone separator, filter, dosing device and such surface process equipment and oilfield environmental-protection services, such as oily sludge treatment process proposal, tank cleaning process proposal, oily sewage treatment process proposal. The company has abundant software and hardware strength and first-class new and high-tech product researchers and Level A1 & A2 pressure vessel design qualifications and Class GC pressure pipe design qualification, so it constitutes a pattern of production, research and sales, and the business fields involves domestic and overseas petrochemical industries. Since the establishment of the company, it has been pursuing the development guideline of “Technological Innovation and People Orientation” and actively going deep into the front line of oilfield production in order to seek, find, explore and develop new and high-tech products that are good for sales, so we can commit ourselves to saving the energy, reducing the consumption, protecting the environment, decreasing the project investment and improving the management for our customers. The company has an annual income of 600,000,000 RMB.
         In early 2008, according to the demands of the international oil equipment market and the development plan, the company successfully introduced the strategic investment partners for capital injection in order to reconstruct the stockholding system. The registered capital was increased from the original 12,000,000 RMB to 202,500,000 RMB after the approval of Beijing City Administration for Industry and Commerce; meanwhile, the company established a comprehensive base integrated with production, research and service in Daqing, the largest oil production base in China. In the base, the plants cover an area of 40,000 m2, the research and comprehensive buildings 10,000 m2, the max lifting capacity 100 tons, equipped with various machining equipment, automatic welding equipment, blanking equipment, heat treatment equipment, full-automatic sand blasting and derusting equipment, baking varnish equipment, various testing equipment and material
         analysis instruments. The machining and general assembly ability is anticipated up to 30,000 tons annually, which lays the foundation for realizing the internationalization of oil equipment and technical service.
         The company has more than 500 staff, in which 2 staff with PhD degree, 26 staff with mater degree, 72 staff with senior technical title in relevant disciplines, most of the staff come from the oilfield design and production management units with abundant design and development experience. The company has developed many new and high-tech products leading in the same industry and the company has 15 national patents.
         Especially in the aspect of the oil, gas and water three-phase separation technique research, the company has a batch of middle-aged and young technicians. Xiao Rong, the deputy general manager and chief engineer of the company is a typical representative, who made major contributions in the aspect of oil, gas and water three-phase separation technique research in late 1980s, developed Type I & II three-phase separators, was awarded the 2nd Youth Technology Prize of China, Excellent Middle-Aged & Young Expert of CNPC and Excellent Designer, and was interviewed by Jiang Zemin, the former General Secretary of CPC and Comrade Wang Tao and Zhou Yongkang, the former leaders of CNPC.
         Our company especially invites Expert Pan Yuqi, the professor-class senior engineer, who made prominent contributions in the aspect of domestic fully-airtight crude gathering and transportation process research, was awarded the first batch of National-Class Design Master, as the technical consultant. Integrated with different geological conditions of reservoirs, characteristics of crude, development, gathering and transportation processes in domestic oilfields, Mr. Pan made a new breakthrough in the aspect of oil, gas and water three-phase separation technology. In resent years, HBP provided various separators, heaters, electric dehydrators, dosing devices and such products for Sudan FULA Oilfield, Kazakstan Zhanarol Oilfield, ADM Oilfield, Kenkyak Pre-salt Oilfield, North Buzachi Oilfield, Syria State-Owned Oil Company RUMELAN Oilfield, GEBEIBE Oilfield, Algeria ZARZAITINE Oilfield, BZ25-1 FPSO and WHP A/B/C/D/E/F of Bohai Sea Oilfield of CNOOC, Friendship FPSO of Bo South Oilfield, Daqing Oilfield, Dagang Oilfield, Liao River Oilfield, Shengli
         Oilfield, North China Oilfield, Sichuan Oilfield, Xinjiang Oilfield, Qinghai Oilfield and such oilfields, and provided filter separators, cyclone separators, filters and such equipment for Sino-Kazakstan Natural Gas Pipeline Project, Atasu-Alataw Pass Crude Pipeline Project, Sichuan-East Gas Transportation Project and part of domestic oil and gas pipeline projects. Both the product quality and after-sale service are praised by the customers.
         In recent years, with the consecutive increase of the business requirements in the aspect of environmental protection in the oilfields, HBP also sees this field as the important development direction of the company. HBP has developed the internationally leading process solutions in the aspects of oily sludge treatment, tank cleaning and oily sewage treatment in the oilfields, and promoted those technologies to the largest domestic oilfields. Based on a large number of practices, the environmental-protection philosophy and process solutions of HBP are verified and recognized by the customers.
         In the course of product design, machining, fabrication, commissioning and after-sale service, our company complies with the International Standard ISO9001:2000, keeps improving on design, carries out strict field management and considerate after-sale service.
         “Innovation, Pragmatism, Integrity and Humanness” is the development principle followed by our company all the time. With the help and support of all levels of leaders, we are competent and confident that we could make more contribution for the project development of your company.
         Daqing HBP Oil Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Daqing HBP) is the wholly-owned subsidiary subject to China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Ltd.
         Daqing HBP is located in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. As the integrated research and developing base of HBP, it covers an area of 40,000 m2 or so. Now it has about 300 staff, including more than 60 technicians and 12 senior engineers. The company is equipped with more than 100 sets of machining and manufacturing
         equipment and the annual production capacity is more than 30,000 tons.
         As a professional oil equipment manufacturing company, Daqing HBP can undertake the fabrication of Level I, II & III Pressure Vessel, including all kinds of non-standard pressure vessels. Daqing HBP has A2 Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Certificate (No.TS2210989-2013), ASME U Certificate of Authorization (No.39201) and the certificates of ISO9001-2000 QMS , ISO14001-2004 EMS and GB/T28001:2001 OHSMS.
         公司简介英文版模板(二)         China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Ltd (hereinafter referred to as HBP) is a stockholding-system new and high-tech enterprise approved by Beijing City Government and listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange successfully. The company is mainly engaged in the development, production and marketing of oil, gas and water separator, heater, electric dehydrator, natural gas filter separator, cyclone separator, filter, dosing device and such surface process equipment and oilfield environmental-protection services, such as oily sludge treatment process proposal, tank cleaning process proposal, oily sewage treatment process proposal. The company has abundant software and hardware strength and first-class new and high-tech product researchers and Level A1 & A2 pressure vessel design qualifications and Class GC pressure pipe design qualification, so it constitutes a pattern of production, research and sales, and the business fields involves domestic and overseas petrochemical industries. Since the establishment of the company, it has been pursuing the development guideline of “Technological Innovation and People Orientation” and actively going deep into the front line of oilfield production in order to seek, find, explore and develop new and high-tech products that are good for sales, so we can commit ourselves to saving the energy, reducing the consumption, protecting the environment, decreasing the project investment and improving the management for our customers. The company has an annual income of 600,000,000 RMB.
         In early 2008, according to the demands of the international oil equipment market and the development plan, the company successfully introduced the strategic investment partners for capital injection in order to reconstruct the stockholding system. The registered capital was increased from the original 12,000,000 RMB to 202,500,000 RMB after the approval of Beijing City Administration for Industry and Commerce; meanwhile, the company established a comprehensive base integrated with production, research and service in Daqing, the largest oil production base in China. In the base, the plants cover an area of 40,000 m2, the research and comprehensive buildings 10,000 m2, the max lifting capacity 100 tons, equipped with various machining equipment, automatic welding equipment, blanking equipment, heat treatment equipment, full-automatic sand blasting and derusting equipment, baking varnish equipment, various testing equipment and material
         analysis instruments. The machining and general assembly ability is anticipated up to 30,000 tons annually, which lays the foundation for realizing the internationalization of oil equipment and technical service.
         The company has more than 500 staff, in which 2 staff with PhD degree, 26 staff with mater degree, 72 staff with senior technical title in relevant disciplines, most of the staff come from the oilfield design and production management units with abundant design and development experience. The company has developed many new and high-tech products leading in the same industry and the company has 15 national patents.
         Especially in the aspect of the oil, gas and water three-phase separation technique research, the company has a batch of middle-aged and young technicians. Xiao Rong, the deputy general manager and chief engineer of the company is a typical representative, who made major contributions in the aspect of oil, gas and water three-phase separation technique research in late 1980s, developed Type I & II three-phase separators, was awarded the 2nd Youth Technology Prize of China, Excellent Middle-Aged & Young Expert of CNPC and Excellent Designer, and was interviewed by Jiang Zemin, the former General Secretary of CPC and Comrade Wang Tao and Zhou Yongkang, the former leaders of CNPC.
         Our company especially invites Expert Pan Yuqi, the professor-class senior engineer, who made prominent contributions in the aspect of domestic fully-airtight crude gathering and transportation process research, was awarded the first batch of National-Class Design Master, as the technical consultant. Integrated with different geological conditions of reservoirs, characteristics of crude, development, gathering and transportation processes in domestic oilfields, Mr. Pan made a new breakthrough in the aspect of oil, gas and water three-phase separation technology. In resent years, HBP provided various separators, heaters, electric dehydrators, dosing devices and such products for Sudan FULA Oilfield, Kazakstan Zhanarol Oilfield, ADM Oilfield, Kenkyak Pre-salt Oilfield, North Buzachi Oilfield, Syria State-Owned Oil Company RUMELAN Oilfield, GEBEIBE Oilfield, Algeria ZARZAITINE Oilfield, BZ25-1 FPSO and WHP A/B/C/D/E/F of Bohai Sea Oilfield of CNOOC, Friendship FPSO of Bo South Oilfield, Daqing Oilfield, Dagang Oilfield, Liao River Oilfield, Shengli
         Oilfield, North China Oilfield, Sichuan Oilfield, Xinjiang Oilfield, Qinghai Oilfield and such oilfields, and provided filter separators, cyclone separators, filters and such equipment for Sino-Kazakstan Natural Gas Pipeline Project, Atasu-Alataw Pass Crude Pipeline Project, Sichuan-East Gas Transportation Project and part of domestic oil and gas pipeline projects. Both the product quality and after-sale service are praised by the customers.
         In recent years, with the consecutive increase of the business requirements in the aspect of environmental protection in the oilfields, HBP also sees this field as the important development direction of the company. HBP has developed the internationally leading process solutions in the aspects of oily sludge treatment, tank cleaning and oily sewage treatment in the oilfields, and promoted those technologies to the largest domestic oilfields. Based on a large number of practices, the environmental-protection philosophy and process solutions of HBP are verified and recognized by the customers.
         In the course of product design, machining, fabrication, commissioning and after-sale service, our company complies with the International Standard ISO9001:2000, keeps improving on design, carries out strict field management and considerate after-sale service.
         “Innovation, Pragmatism, Integrity and Humanness” is the development principle followed by our company all the time. With the help and support of all levels of leaders, we are competent and confident that we could make more contribution for the project development of your company.
         Daqing HBP Oil Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Daqing HBP) is the wholly-owned subsidiary subject to China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Ltd.
         Daqing HBP is located in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. As the integrated research and developing base of HBP, it covers an area of 40,000 m2 or so. Now it has about 300 staff, including more than 60 technicians and 12 senior engineers. The company is equipped with more than 100 sets of machining and manufacturing
         equipment and the annual production capacity is more than 30,000 tons.
         As a professional oil equipment manufacturing company, Daqing HBP can undertake the fabrication of Level I, II & III Pressure Vessel, including all kinds of non-standard pressure vessels. Daqing HBP has A2 Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Certificate (No.TS2210989-2013), ASME U Certificate of Authorization (No.39201) and the certificates of ISO9001-2000 QMS , ISO14001-2004 EMS and GB/T28001:2001 OHSMS.
         公司简介英文版模板(三)         Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.
         If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.

7. 广告公司企业介绍 广告公司企业如何介绍


广告公司企业介绍 广告公司企业如何介绍

8. 企业广告策划的简介

 应用:(1)分析企业形象策划案例;(2)试以某一企业为例进行企业形象策划。 1、以事实作为基点PAGE策划不是一种纯粹思维性工作,也不是仅仅限于文字材料的组合。广告策划直接面对的是企业、产品、市场、消费者,面对着众多竞争对手。要求:必须确切了解产品的特点与性能;必须熟知价格及销售途径;必须洞察消费对象和潜在消费群;必须充分掌握市场资料和竞争情况;必须找到关键的营销沟通环节;必须制定切实可以量化的广告目标;必须有效的实现媒体传播等。2、全局思考明确定位PAGE策划是一项宏观性的市场战略,涉及到许多方面,这些方面既具有各自相应的独立性,又彼此交错,形成复杂的关系。策划实际上是一个系统工程。就这点而言,在思维方法上,必须具备系统思想,从宏观上把纷纭复杂的各个方面看作是一个有机协调的整体。在横向面上,对涉及到的各种内容诸如市场和产品资料、创意和表现策略、不同媒体的合理配合、各项经费的投入预算等,都必须统一协调。除此之外,其他诸如媒介执行、公关宣传、财务管理等等,都必须在系统思考之中。3、抓住关键突出主导 PAGE依据这一要求,企业策划对市场提出了自己的分析结论,找出了问题和机会,解决问题把握机会,就成了策划的中心,也就是其关键所在。 一个好的广告策划,其间有一条贯穿主线,纲举目张,统一于一体,使整个策划看上去脉络清晰,重点分明。 按照客户要求量身定做.礼品作为一种企业广告策划手段,对企业品牌形象宣传和产品的促销起到很大的作用。礼品不仅要有意义更要有价值,特别是企业礼品,商务礼品,这些的目的都是宣传广告.那么就要有明显的广告标识或独特印记.最简单的就是在产品上面印刷企业的名称或是宣传标语,这样的礼品在起订数量上相对来说比较灵活,成本也相对比较低,现在很多新产品都是根据这一特点开发的,方便印刷,都适当的空出了广告位置. 如果您需要对产品的外形进行订做,按照自己的要求和创意来制作,让礼品更有纪念意义和宣传价值.比如售楼的纪念模型,一些重要开业奠基,庆典会议的纪念类礼品.这些的话制作成本就相对较高,毕竟开模费和制版费都是一笔大数目,塑料模具更是如此,像礼品定做这类厂家有很多,大多都可以为广大客户提供定制个性商务礼品,设计广告促销礼品还提供可以开模打样等等个性化商务化服务!
