
2024-05-16 02:30

1. 英语高手进,帮我翻译一下,英译中文……



2. 请英语高手帮忙翻译 汉译英

童装   children's clothes
砧板   chopping block
DVD    DVD 数字化视频光盘
调味品 flavouring / seasoning
方便面 instant noodle
保健品 health products
剃须刀 shaver 
电熨斗 electric iron
电吹风 hair drier 
电话机 telephone
牛奶杯 milk cup
马克杯 mug
密封盒 seal box
调味盒 spice box
电水壶 electric kettle 
电磁炉 induction cooker / electromagnetic oven 
淘米箩 rice-washing crate
吊带衫 sun-top   
豆奶粉 soybean milk powder
茶饮料 tea beverage 
奶制品 dairy product  
清洁剂 detergent / cleaner
洗发露 shampoo 
沐浴露 bath wash   
护发素 hair conditioner 
水     water
面包   bread
沙琪玛 caramel treats  
酱油   soy sauce
挂面   fine dried noodles
粉丝   bean starch noodles / vermicelli
延长线 extension line
油画棒 oil pastels 
密封罐 seal pot 
自行车 bicycle 
订书机 stapler / stitcher  
电饭煲 electric rice cooker 
香皂   soap
果汁   fruit juice
蛋糕   cake
饼干   biscuit / cookie
啤酒   beer 
黄酒   millet wine/ Shaoxing wine
锅具   cookware 
女袜   women's socks 
茶具   tea set
塑料杯 plastic cup  
男袜   men's socks
套瓷   chinaware  
男装   men's clothes
女装   women's clothes
睡衣   pajamas
白板   white board
拖鞋   slippers
雨具   rain gear
罐头食品   canned food
成人奶粉   adult milk powder  
进口食品   imported food
无糖食品   sugar-free food
膨化食品   puffed food
儿童饼干   biscuits for children
碳酸饮料   carbonated soft drink
洗衣用品   laundry products 
杀虫用品   desinsection products
厨房用品   kitchen products
美发用品   hair care products
童车       baby stroller
童床       children's bed
电脑配件   computer accessories
干花       dried flower
家具       furniture
五金工具   hardware & tools
笔、橡皮   pen / rubber
汽配用品   auto parts
保鲜盒     crisper / preservation box 
婴儿用品   infant utilities
女士内衣   women's underwear
女式短裤   women's pants
男士短裤   men's pants
运动水壶   sports bottle
男士内衣   men's underwear
纸品       paper products  
复印纸     manifold paper
资料册     data book
运动鞋     sports shoes
筷子       chopsticks
榨汁机     juicer
文胸       bra
电池       battery
笔袋       pen's bag
果斗       fruit acorn
果盘       fruit plate
本子       notebook/ book
胶水       glue
茶叶       tea
咖啡       coffee
麦片       cornmeal / oatmeal
炒货       roasted seeds and nuts
蜜饯       fruit preserves
肉干       jerky
衣架       clothes rack
清洁用品   cleaning products
防滑垫     non-slip mat
拖把       mopper
塑料制品   plastic products
垃圾袋     disposable bag
皮包       leather handbag
背包       backpack
儿童读物   children's books
学习用品   school things
碟片       DVD/CD
儿童玩具   toys for kids
智力玩具   intelligence toy
棋牌       chess and cards 
拼图       jigsaw
电子琴     electronic organ
玩具车     toy car
被子       quilt
席子       matting / mat
枕头       pillow
男鞋       men's shoes
女鞋       women's shoes
箱包       trunk and bag

3. 英语高手帮忙翻译一下。




4. 英语翻译~谢谢各位高手来此帮忙

The Shanghai Financial Center, a well-known skyscraper located at Lujiazui, Shanghai, currently stands as the tallest building in China as well as the third tallest building in the world. The whole  building stands up four hundred and ninety two meters in height with its worldwide renown of it being the world's tallest edifice in flat-top style. The intoxicating panoramic view of the great city of Shanghai is presented holistically on the one hundred and first floor, where we were exposed to the undeniable prosperity of the economic development of this city through a countless amount of world class banks. 
I visited the university park of Shanghai along with a few of my colleagues in the afternoon when we had our only spare time of this journey. We managed to go to Tongji university, Fudan university and Shanghai Jiaotong/Communication university in one galloping trip. We all agreed to the fact that  every campus had its cultural uniqueness, which gave us, in a general sense, a different feeling than our Economics & Finances Institute did.
We were especially impressed with Shanghai Jiaotong/Communication university for its appearance of having a sense of long being, thus traditionalism. There are lots of merits that could be applied to our school's refining.

一下这段不是整句。having done sth. 改成 i have done sth. 就是了。这里只是想与中文所表达的总结性语义相吻合。
Today's closing line: having been to the global center of finances in Shanghai; having realized the magnificence of the styles and sizes of Shanghai's buildings and the general stratification of the development of finances and banking with which they carry; having seen and experienced the prosperity of the business groups and activities in Shanghai as well as the difference in marketing operations in businesses that are commercialized in different ways and at different levels

My plan/agenda: keeping well documented the wording and picturing; looking for relevant sources; keeping a daily journal of the telling of thoughts and acquisitions every evening at my residence.


5. 求英语高手,英语翻译英译汉,跪求~~~

美籍华人的后代们几乎无一例外的重复着(他们父辈)同样的生活轨迹。当步入中学时他们对于父母给予他们的中国式教育方法开始感到愤慨,并且鄙视那些与他们有过一样中国教育背景的同龄人。在此期间,他们的父母大多十分紧张,甚至会很失落,因为这证明了他们对子女的教育很失败。 PS:为了使文章更具可读性,私自加了一点内容,但不会影响原文的意思。有任何不妥之处,敬请不吝指出,谢谢。


6. 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下:

1.Make the regional marketing survey, stores survey, target brands survey objectively. Take the hot sell status of costume products as the main idea to make the marketing report. (最后那一句译得不是很好,不是很明白’旺销程度’怎样为主线~)
2. Contact with the fabric supplier, visit fabric trading shows and collect fashionable fabric sample charts.
3. Combine with the marketing survey result and uptodate information to confirm the theme of new product development and developing plans with CDO(Chief Designing Officer), also confirm the project planning sheets for each designers.

4. Finalize the designing concept (调整一词似乎多余,没译), draft the new style drawings and confirm their textile and accessories.
5. Communicate with Sample Master about the designing concept to better control the sample’s quality and sample making progress. 
6. Coordinate the job between the Sample Master and the sample makers to better control the quality and craftsmanship of the samples.
7. Modify the samples’ shape and improve the workmanship after samples’ finished.
8. (整盘是什么意思?烦请解释一下。我译的是‘样品调试期间’)Collect the ideas from other dept. in the Primary Audit meeting and Internal Audit Meeting and confirm the improvement direction during the sample adjustment period. ( 如果你们是外企的话,初审会和内审会这两个词应该都有你们内部长期固定的说法,最好把它打听过来,替代我原来的翻译)
9.Take part in the costume sales conference, collect the suggestions from the sales person and agents of all areas to make a better preparation for the next new product project.

1. Be responsible for the whole process of current projects, keep tract from making designing drawings to fabrics and accessories sourcing, color matching, sample adjustment and confirmation, to ensure new product could be put into market ontime.
2. Communicate with our brother companies overseas, ensure new samples could be sent to them on schedule,
3. Responsible for the whole process of OEM projects from receiving OEM order to sample follow up and sample confirmation.
3. A good taste of fashion: to collect all kinds of fashion information and document them; to design new styles according to our brand’s main core.

For your information ONLY!

7. 求英语翻译高手~~~~~~

  圣公会是disestablished 1920年在威尔士。
  爱尔兰是英国圣公会的disestablished 1871年。
  在英国的其他宗教的跟踪,包括伊斯兰教,印度教和佛教的锡克教、犹太教。虽然在2001年人口普查资料表明,在文[2]的英国公民有75%的人认为自己属于一种信仰,盖洛普报道说只有百分之十的英国公民定期参加宗教活动,与之相比,有15%的法国公民和57%的美国公民。YouGov 2004年的调查发现,44%的英国居民信奉上帝,而百分之35不要[3]。人口普查数据之间的差异,YouGov数据被放下现象称为“文化”,许非常多,艺术设计多爱好艺术的确是的人的确是的基督教仍然不相信神的宗教都认同,还是买起来的宗教的父母。


8. 求高手翻译英语~
